Chris Palmer and his “urbanmuskoka chair”
By Penny MunozCanada’s Handyman Challenge semi-finalist Chris Palmer made an appearance at the Toronto Fall Home Show, demonstrating his crafty ability- yet again. This time Palmer created a wine cabinet from recycled doors in Habitat for Humanity’s
DIY Complex Halloween Ghost Idea
By Penny MunozIf you’re really serious about gaining revenge on your neighbour’s mischievous children for that time they woke you up from your hard-earned mid-day nap because they kicked their soccer ball over your fence… Here’s a ghost inspired DIY
ECHO House: Team Ontario’s Winning Design
By Penny MunozTeam Ontario’s ECHO ecological home is this year’s winner of the celebrated engineering contest at the 2013 Solar Decathlon. The home was praised for its unique capacity to bring energy efficiency and affordability together in a beautiful
The Perfect DIY Office/Studio/Guesthouse
By Penny MunozIf you need more space for an office or studio, or even if you’re thinking of adding an addition to your home or cottage, maybe you should consider taking the space outdoors. Industrial design firm 608 Design and BLDG Workshop collaborated
The Ultimate Tree House
By Penny MunozEven the best urbanites will confess that from time-to-time, the chaotic city lifestyle gets to be too much. For most, this means retreating to a cozy cottage for the weekend to get back in touch with Mother Nature. The really daring might
Zuckerberg Wants More Privacy!
By Penny MunozAs Facebook announced their latest changes on reduced privacy policies earlier last week, CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent $30 million on securing his own privacy.With the last home closing just days ago, Zuckerberg has purchased a total of four
A New View of High-Rise Living
CHILDREN | VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIALiving in the city, space is hard to come by and expensive. We had to convert our living room into a play area for the girls as we feel guilty they don't have enough space. Also, we seriously considered moving as we
MARK CULLEN: Harvest Time
By Mark CullenI am always happy to hear from gardeners who have jumped on the ‘grow your own’ band wagon. Many first-time veggie gardeners are contacting me to find out what to do with their abundance of tomatoes, squash, carrots and the like. “What
Toronto Eighth Best City in the World
By Penny MunozAs Canada’s only city to rank, Toronto has triumphantly claimed No. 8 in the 2013 Anholt-GfK City Brands Index, surpassing Vienna and knocking Tokyo off the list completely.Also credited as the second-friendliest and the fourth-safest city
Saskatchewan’s Tallest Tower Underway
The site of City Centre Tower - Photo by Greg Pender, The StarPhoenixBy Penny MunozThis summer, North Prairie Developments will be setting a new record in Saskatoon by building the tallest tower in the province.Part of the City Centre Plan, a four-year