3D Printing a Home in 24 hours?
Via contourcrafting.orgHow long will it be before builders and developers are using large-scale 3D printers to build communities and condos? Looks like it might happen sooner than we think!The concept behind 3D printing a homeProfessor Behrokh Khoshnevis
The Man Behind Toronto’s Cable Car Proposal
The Medellin metrocable, Columbia by dw_globalideasRecently, a proposal for a cable car system in Toronto was the hot topic around the water cooler. We did a little bit of research, but couldn’t find out much, so we went straight to the source. We
Michael Jordan’s Home Fails at Auction
Via Zillow.comBy Penny MunozAfter all that hype about the auction for his custom built $29 million home in Chicago, Michael Jordan fell short! How short? According to Forbes, the home was listed on ConciergeAuctions.com with a minimum sale price of $13
Wooden High-Rise Planned for Stockholm
Via C.F. MollerBy Penny MunozScandinavian firm C.F. Moller has teamed up with DinellJohansson for a project that will reveal the tallest wooden building in the world. Receiving much attention in the media already, the proposal for the Stockholm design
Nice Hill by Nice Architects
Via Nice ArchitectsBy Penny MunozSlovakia’s innovative design firm, Nice Architects is revolutionizing how builder’s think of recycling construction material. Though skeptics didn’t believe the proposal would go very far, Nice Architect’s artificial hill
Skyscraper Candles for the Tower-Hater in Your Life
Via Bundshop.comWe love tall buildings, some people don’t, and some people REALLY don’t. One of those people is JingJing Naihan Li, a designer from Beijing.Over the years, Naihan has watched Beijing transform before her eyes, and she’s just not that into
A New Gadget to Make Your Home Healthier
Via Tech CrunchRecently, we discussed how a few Toronto developers are incorporating the latest technology in their condo projects to appeal to homebuyers. We’re seeing everything from state-of-the-art gaming rooms to fibre optic wiring being
Daniel Libeskind Designs Apartment Building for Berlin
Via Studio LibeskindBy Penny MunozWith notable presence already in the city, American born architect Daniel Libeskind returns to Berlin, unveiling his latest project for Chausseestrasse. In contrast to his previous Berlin project, a Jewish Museum, this
What’s the Impact of Your Commute?
By Penny MunozIf you’re one of Toronto’s average commuters, Statistics Canada data reveals that you’re spending approximately 32 minutes in the car, every day. That’s seven minutes over the national standard! For those who use the Gardiner or the DVP on
MARK CULLEN: Amaryllis Add Much Needed Colour to Your Home
By Mark CullenWith a winter wonderland outdoors, gardeners are looking for ways to grow blooms indoors. I always recommend growing an amaryllis. They are easy to grow and provide an outstanding show.The giant, chunky bulb that you can buy at garden