MARK CULLEN: Water, Water Everywhere
By Mark CullenOf all the current trends in gardening perhaps the use of water as a garden feature has the legs to last a generation or more. Take a look over the back fence of any home in the GTA these days and chances are you will find either a full
KIPCO Tower Brings Colour and Style to Kuwait City
It’s been a while since we checked out an interesting high-rise tower located outside of Canada. We recently stumbled upon KIPCO Tower, a completed, mixed-use building in Kuwait City.The design of KIPCO TowerBold, sleek, stylish, and sexy are four words
An Artificial Sun Lights up the Biggest Building in the World
On June 28, 2013, the doors opened to “New Century Global Center,” the largest building in the world, according to Chinese officials. New Century Global Center is located in Chengdu, China’s fourth largest city and the capital of the southwestern Sichuan
TARION: The Downside of Side Agreements
If it's not included in your Agreement of Purchase and Sale, it's not covered by Tarion.
MARK CULLEN: Summer Lawn Care Tips
By Mark CullenIt's just about that time of year when your lawn begins to look a bit shop-worn. The tremendous burst of green growth that occurred early in spring is waning and soon ‘the bloom is off the rose’ to use a metaphor from another part of the
The Results of the 9th Annual Pug Awards
On June 26, 2013, the team at the Toronto Star's headed over to The Shops at Summer Hill to check out the 9th Annual Pug Awards.An all-star panel at the Pug AwardsThe ceremony kicked off with the famous "Pug Talks" forum. Gil Penalosa of
Granite Homes Offers Summer Maintenance Tips
By Granite HomesPools are open, parks are crowded and the sun is glistening... Summer is here!With this brings longer, warmer days, family bbq’s and trips to the beach. For the homeowner however, it is not all fun and games; it is time again to review
Building Energy Efficient Homes is the Way of the Future
It looks like the City of Toronto is entertaining a new initiative focused on promoting energy efficiency in our new homes! And we thought Sustainability Month was over.The Energy and Water Efficiency InitiativeThe City of Toronto is looking at a program
Mark Cullen: Low Maintenance Gardening = Mulch, Mulch, Mulch
By Mark CullenThere is really no other activity in the garden that will both benefit your plants and free up your time quite like mulching.You spread mulch to reduce weeding by about 90% the first year, reduce watering by up to 70% and provide an
INFOGRAPHIC: With Great Power...
For our infographic for Sustainability Month, we wanted to stimulate some conversation about what the home building industry could do differently when it comes to energy sources. We took a look at what forms of energy powered Ontario as of 2012. We were