TARION: The Downside of Side Agreements
By on Jul 16, 2013

When purchasing a new home or condominium, it isn’t unusual for a homebuyer to negotiate a “side agreement” with a builder. This is when builder offers something beyond what is in your Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS) such as an upgrade, or something in lieu of another item. A builder can also offer a supplementary warranty that is over and above the statutory warranties. These agreements can be attractive to homebuyers as they may be offered at a discount, or simply as an “extra.”
The new home warranty versus a supplementary warranty or agreement
The purpose of the new home warranty program is to ensure your new house or condominium meets the structural requirements and health and safety standards of the Ontario Building Code. The warranty includes deposit protection or financial loss, delayed closing compensation, and a one-year, two-year and seven-year warranty that provide coverage for specific items and conditions.
However, the builder can offer services that are above and beyond the new home warranty, which Tarion does not have authority to get involved with. Over the years, Tarion has seen examples of disappointed homeowners who have approached us for help when either their builder has failed to come through on a side agreement or there is a misunderstanding between parties. We have to tell them that Tarion cannot force a builder to honour an arrangement that falls outside their APS. By the time the homeowner has already hit a stand-still with his or her builder and approaches Tarion for help, it can be extremely frustrating to find out that we are unable to assist.

Over the years Tarion has received complaints from homeowners not receiving the items their builders have promised, such as finished basements, backyard decks, and extended warranties on heating and ventilation systems or foundation waterproofing.
Never accept an upgrade or modification for your new home or condominium unit without including it in writing in your APS. Should you want to add something to your home after your APS is signed, you may be able to have it included in the APS in the form of an amendment. To ensure this is done properly, make these changes with the help of a lawyer. This way, the builder’s agreement will be backed by Tarion, and you may have somewhere to turn should you need assistance.