DIY Complex Halloween Ghost Idea
By Lucas on Oct 24, 2013
By Penny Munoz
If you’re really serious about gaining revenge on your neighbour’s mischievous children for that time they woke you up from your hard-earned mid-day nap because they kicked their soccer ball over your fence… Here’s a ghost inspired DIY project that will have those kids sleeping with one eye open until Christmas!
The Human-Size Ghost:
Easily the most impressive DIY ghost idea on the internet, this project might have you pulling at your hair at several points. I recommend breaking the labour up over the course of a few days. Also, don’t be afraid to deviate from the instructions here and there, using techniques you’re more comfortable with. Lastly, make sure to add enough support on the legs and torso so that your ghost doesn’t topple over in the breeze.
You’ll need:
Chicken wire and protective gloves for handling, mannequin head, cheesecloth (optional), glow-in-the-dark spray paint (optional). Don’t forget your patience! This one is trickier than you’d think!
The step-by-step:
1. Wearing your protective gloves, cut a 24-inch length of chicken wire.
2. To form the shape of the head, you’ll bend the wire over a firm mannequin head (you could probably use a medium-size ball). Push the excess wire towards the back leaving enough room to wiggle the shape off the mannequin (you’ll fix this afterwards).
3. You’ll form the torso in two parts (an inner piece and an outer piece that overlap) creating a firm support for your ghost.
a) The outer piece will need about 40 inches of 1-inch cell chicken wire, roll the wire into a cylinder and twist ends together. Pinch the cells of the chicken wire together to form a waistline and shoulders for your ghost.
b) Following the measurements of your outer torso, create an inner torso from 2-inch cell chicken wire.
c) After fitting the inner torso piece into the outer piece, pinch the waist and secure the two layers using scrap pieces of wire.
4. For the arms, cut a 1-inch cell chicken wire and form into thin cylinders. Pinch at elbow length and again by the wrists on both arms. Using scrap wire, secure the folds (by elbows and wrists).
5. Using small wires, attach the arms to the torso. If it seems kinda flimsy, you can reinforce the shoulders with the wire of an untwisted coat hanger.
6. For the legs, roll four feet of 2-inch cell chicken wire into double cylinder shapes (roll each end in so that they meet in the middle). To hold in place, twist the edges of the open ends, securing them to the back of the piece. Do this twice. Then you’ll wrap the four cylinders snuggly with a 42-inch piece of 1-inch cell chicken wire, twisting the ends together for a firm hold.
7. Now you’ll need a base for your ghost. For this you’ll need to make two cylindrical tubes with 1-inch cell chicken wire. You’ll then attach one to the bottom of the legs and the second behind it, ensuring your ghost doesn’t lean or fall backwards.
8. Almost done! For the penultimate step, you’ll create the skirt using four 36-inch lengths of 1-inch cell chicken wire, attaching each piece from the waist with scrap wires.
9. Finally! You’ve made it! Now all you have to do is find the perfect place to plant your creepy creation and make the final touches. Bend the bottom of the dress to make it appear like it’s blowing in the wind, move arms and head to achieve desired look and secure, secure, secure with wire!)
NOTE: This ghost is terrifying from far away.
Optional Steps:
- Coat with glow-in-the-dark spray paint.
- Cover with cheesecloth.
- Sit inconspicuously and watch the horror when those kids first lay eyes on your DIY human-size ghost!
In the spirit of trick-or-treating, I’d say this project is no treat. If you need visuals, click here!