Kennedy Manors in Markham is 90% sold in just 10 days!
Remember about a month ago when we told you to register for Kennedy Manors, Kylemore Communities’ latest Markham development, because the launch was coming soon? Well, that launch came and went and in just 10 days, Kennedy Manors is 90% sold! You’re
Townhomes continue to be the affordable option for low-rise buyers
The demand for new low-rise homes is almost out of control as inventory levels have fallen to record lows. According to RealNet Canada, there’s only about three months of inventory available across the Greater Toronto Area, based on 2015 sales trends.
On The Danforth Condos is now open to the public!
After a very successful grand opening celebration, On The Danforth Condos in Toronto by Diam Developments is officially open to the public!During the grand opening, interested homebuyers toured the stunning model suite and admired the scale model. The
Toronto housing market still at risk of overvaluation
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) released its latest Housing Market Assessment (HMA) report for Canada and 15 census metropolitan areas. The HMA finds “strong overall evidence of problematic conditions” in Toronto, as well as Winnipeg,
Nautique in Burlington launches to VIP registrants!
Recently, Adi Development Group previewed Nautique Lakefront Residences to VIP registrants in Burlington. Though the weather wasn’t cooperating, most people braved the rain and there was a great turnout! In typical Adi Development Group fashion, they
Phase 3 of Impressions in the Village of Kleinburg is now open!
After two wildly successful phases, Arista Homes, Fieldgate Homes, and Paradise Homes have opened Phase 3 of Impressions in the Village of Kleinburg, announcing a new selection of single detached lots! You can now choose from Crescent Lots, Court Lots,
5 haunted houses from Toronto to Hamilton
Last year, we took a look at some of the unexpected residents that haunt several of Toronto’s historically important homes. This year, we’ve expanded our search to the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to bring you more spooky stories of lingering residents who
AQUABLU is 85% sold and now under construction!
(L-R) Associate Director Planning Lead - John Ariens - IBI Group; Founder - Peter DeSantis - Homes By DeSantis; Alderman - Joanne Johnston - Town Council; Mayor - Bob Bentley - Town of Grimsby; President - Gabriel DeSantis; Alderman - Dave Wilson - Town
Perception of control is a big benefit of home ownership
This week’s headlines for the housing industry could be last month’s, last year’s or yesterday’s — “No sign of slowdown,” “Hot housing market to slow next year,” “Buyers tread cautiously.” They could just as easily say, “Lacking crystal ball, most people
Average price for a new home in the GTA hits record high
The Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) just released its GTA new home market figures for September 2015, announcing record high prices for the low-rise and high-rise markets. The new low-rise market saw an 18% year-over-year