More than a quarter of GTA residents hoping for major housing crash
The Angus Reid Institute released the results of its Pain Index for Metro Vancouver and the Greater Toronto Area, reporting that housing affordability has replaced transit as the top concern for most GTA residents.
2 streetcar murals pop up in Toronto
A couple years ago, we posted about the winner of the 2016 NXT City Prize – Streetcar Safety Murals. Well, they finally happened!
Daniels celebrates the grand opening of the Regent Park Rotating Gallery!
Last week, the Daniels team took things one step further, transforming their Regent Park presentation centre into the Regent Park Rotating Gallery!
6 houseplants you should consider getting as summer ends
While there is still time left in this gardening season, it pains me to admit that it is slowly starting to wind down. As the end of August approaches, we are starting to think about carefully putting our outdoor garden to bed for the winter months.
PLUS GROUP of Companies builds new play structure with Million Dollar Smiles
Recently, PLUS GROUP of Companies, consisting of RN Design, Salefish Software, COOLAID Studios, and SRN Architects, joined Million Dollar Smiles to build a new playground for three-year-old Vikaas Suvendiran.
How treating your household financials like a business can save you money
In an effort to make your household financials more manageable, let’s take a look at how a business manages its finances.
Homes By DeSantis raises $100,000 for the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation
On August 18, Homes By DeSantis hosted the Summer Street Party in downtown Grimsby in support of the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Foundation. There was a great turnout, making the first annual event a huge success!
Declining new condo affordability ‘amplified’ typical summer slowdown
The Building Industry and Land Development Association released its Greater Toronto Area new home statistics for July 2018, reporting the typical summer slowdown everyone was expecting.
BILD and Habitat GTA building 15th home together!
Habitat for Humanity GTA and the Building Industry and Land Development Association recently announced they will be teaming up again to sponsor their 15th Habitat GTA home.
Tory or Keesmaat: Who will improve housing affordability?
I’ve been avoiding this topic for a few weeks now, but I’m just going to come out and say it – I don’t know who should be mayor of Toronto.