Highway Built Around House in China Image

Highway Built Around House in China

A few days ago, The Globe and Mail reported that an elderly couple in Wenling, China have refused to leave their home...where a highway was being built.From The Globe and Mail:“A Chinese couple refuses to leave their home to make way for a highway. Their

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Madonna Lists Manhattan Duplex Image

Madonna Lists Manhattan Duplex

In past blog posts, we mentioned that Ellen DeGeneres seems to have an addiction to buying homes, renovating, and then selling them – “flipping” them. Well, that’s something that she and Madonna have in common!Okay, so it’s not as severe with Madonna,

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Formal Hybrids: Great Design or Bad Taste? Image

Formal Hybrids: Great Design or Bad Taste?

Okay, we’ve seen some pretty interesting high-rise designs, but nothing like this!  And you know what? We have some mixed feelings.First off, let us explain what you’re looking at.  These five towers go by the name “Formal Hybrids,” and they were

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Yading Cliff Building: Amazing Design by ELEV Image

Yading Cliff Building: Amazing Design by ELEV

As far as natural landscapes go, Toronto doesn’t have the most interesting one. Sure, we have Lake Ontario, rivers, forested areas and such, but the land itself is pretty flat. Not like Yading Village in the Daocheng County, Sichuan Province of China,

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Olivia Wilde Moving From Los Angeles to New York Image

Olivia Wilde Moving From Los Angeles to New York

If you’re roughly 20 years old, you remember Olivia Wilde from the hit show, “The O.C.” If you’re between 23 and 35 and love nerdy sci-fi movies (that’s us), you remember her from “TRON: Legacy.” And, if you’re 40+, she’s the attractive doctor on

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The New Tallest Building in Europe Image

The New Tallest Building in Europe

Remember when Renzo Piano’s The Shard was the tallest building in Europe? That’s right, “was.” That was about four months ago, so obviously, another tower has surpassed it, and it’s called Mercury City Tower.Currently under construction in the Moscow

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Helicopter Ride! Helicopter Ride! Image

Helicopter Ride! Helicopter Ride!

We’ve checked out the views from some of the tallest condos in Toronto, and we went up the CN Tower for an even higher vantage point.  How could we go higher? Helicopter!Though the day was gloomy, we decided to follow through with our booking with

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Grove at Grand Bay by BIG Architects Image

Grove at Grand Bay by BIG Architects

Occassionally on the HomesAndCondosBlog, we take a step back from examining local architects’ designs, and check out what some of our favourite international architects are up to. This week, we visited BIG Architects’ website, and lucky us, we found a

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M-City: An Interesting Design by MVSA for Moscow, Russia Image

M-City: An Interesting Design by MVSA for Moscow, Russia

As architecture enthusiasts, we’re always on the hunt for the latest in tower designs, specifically residential buildings. Well, we came across a very cool one designed by Meyer en Van Schooten Architecten (MVSA) for Moscow, Russia, called M-City.M-City

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The Tiniest of Canadian Condo Units Image

The Tiniest of Canadian Condo Units

So, you think Toronto has small condo units? Well, if British Columbia-based developer Tien Sher has their way, they will set a new record for the tiniest condo unit in Canada, and it will be built in Surrey.Tien Sher is planning a project called

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