Home buyers demand smarter designs
Prospective new home buyers list energy-efficiency, organization and comfort as their top priorities in considering their next move.
New homes in Vaughan earn LEED Platinum status
A joint effort by the Building Industry and Land Development Associate (BILD) and Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA) has earned the designation of Platinum in the Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Canada for Homes program by the Canada
2008 Finalists Revealed
Consumer voices heard through survey of 51,000 Ontario new home buyers at 2008 Tarion Awards.
Real Estate Law
Real estate fraud is a serious issue and it pays to be informed.
Green Decorating
Using salvaged architectural pieces can be a unique and environmentally friendly way to decorate your home.
Wind Turbine
Wind Power has the potential to play a big role in the future of Condominiums.
Environmental Impact
Canadians are increasingly interested in building green. But what exactly does that mean'
Masonry Products
Masonry products reduce the carbon footprint of your new home
Home inspection
Acquiring the services of a home inspector will help ensure the move into your new home is not ruined by unexpected damage and repair costs.