
A sneak peek at a Princess Margaret Grand Prize Showhome Image

A sneak peek at a Princess Margaret Grand Prize Showhome

Have you purchased your tickets for the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Home Lottery? If you haven’t, you should probably do it right now because one of Reid’s Heritage Homes’ Cobble Beach homes in Owen Sound is a Grand Prize Showhome! The Seaforth at

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Glen Ridge Estates is coming to Aurora this June! Image

Glen Ridge Estates is coming to Aurora this June!

In just a few months, Fairgate Homes and OPUS Homes will be collaborating to bring their esteemed brand of luxury to one of the best communities in the country with their new development, Glen Ridge Estates. The estates, planned for Aurora, have been

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8 waterfront condos from Grimsby to Toronto Image

8 waterfront condos from Grimsby to Toronto

Living the condo lifestyle on a waterfront is a dream for many, but some believe it to be unattainable due to lofty prices in areas on the lake. In many cases, this assumption is correct, but there are definitely waterfront condos for all sorts of

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Farewell, Rob Ford Image

Farewell, Rob Ford

We’ve all just learned Rob Ford has died.Our highly entertaining former mayor lost his 18-month battle to cancer at the age of 46, far too young by any standards. Love him or hate him, Ford was a character, bigger and brasher even than our last

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GTA new home sales back on track, but the price gap widens Image

GTA new home sales back on track, but the price gap widens

According to the Building Industry and Land Development Association’s (BILD) latest new home sales report for February 2016, sales in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) are back on track after a slow start to the year. Last February, there were 3,629 new

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New low-rise sales in Ajax and Milton to be hot this year Image

New low-rise sales in Ajax and Milton to be hot this year

For the first few months of 2016, Brampton, Oakville, and Pickering have been the hottest spots for new low-rise sales, but according to the latest report by Trimart Research Corporation, Milton and Ajax had some very successful openings recently! Milton

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A closer look at the new retail spaces in the Canary District in Toronto Image

A closer look at the new retail spaces in the Canary District in Toronto

A couple weeks ago, we received news that Dundee Kilmer and LiveWorkLearnPlay had selected four new retailers for the Canary District neighbourhood in Toronto, bringing the total number of retailers to 11. We were fortunate enough to meet up with

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7 minimalist home décor pieces you can buy locally Image

7 minimalist home décor pieces you can buy locally

When given an open space, like in a new home, many of us find that our first instinct is to fill it up. But what if there was another way? When furnishing your home, the minimalist approach allows you to optimize your space and minimize clutter without

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Haven Developments and Teeple wow us with SIX25BV in North York Image

Haven Developments and Teeple wow us with SIX25BV in North York

The very first rendering of SIX25BV has been released and we have to say, we’re pretty into this one. Haven Developments worked with Teeple Architects to design this new boutique condo planned for North York. SIX25BV will rise eight storeys at - you

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4 reasons Sunningdale is London’s most desirable neighbourhood Image

4 reasons Sunningdale is London’s most desirable neighbourhood

If you’ve been keeping your eye out for the perfect neighbourhood and community to call home in London, Ontario, then you have to tour the model home at Sunningdale Green by Fusion Homes.The Sunningdale neighbourhood of north London actually is one of

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