Here’s how great design means better value for homeowners at Adi Development Group
If you’re a committed follower of the Blog, then you are probably very familiar with all that Adi Development Group has done for Burlington’s booming condo scene. Before Adi Development made their grand entrance with The Mod’rn, Burlington
Dazzling design at Pears on the Avenue
Pears on the Avenue is well located at Avenue Road and Davenport Road, and will offer an unprecedented opportunity to live in the midst of one of Canada's most coveted neighbourhoods.
Pebble Creek: Life Designed by You
When Falconcrest Homes and Graywood Developments first started accepting registrations for The Residences at Pebble Creek, they asked homebuyers to “Register & Vote.”The builders wanted to know whether homebuyers in Woodbridge were interested in
Nautique marks the beginning of a design renaissance in Burlington
Burlington’s condo scene is going through a design renaissance and it’s all thanks to Adi Development Group. Their now completed Mod’rn is a boutique condo that nearly sold out in the first few hours of opening. The now under construction LINK features
4 ways home design and construction will change
We can’t help but think about what 2016 holds for the new home industry, but let’s take a look even further down the road to the not-so-distant future to see what home design and construction will be like in a few years (or decades). Remember those old
3 innovative building designs that should make headway in 2016
There are currently a number of proposals in the works that defy aesthetic conventions, push the boundaries of sustainable architecture, and take vertical engineering to new heights. Below, we’ve rounded up three innovative building designs that we’d
The finalists of the 2018 OAA Design Excellence Awards
The finalists of the 2018 OAA Design Excellence Awards have been unveiled! Presented by the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA), the OAA Awards recognize the best in Ontario architecture.
Jane Lockhart designs new models for Kylemore
Kylemore Communities has just released a new set of model homes in its Angus Glen West Village development.
The Kennedys wins us over with price, design and location
One of the Greater Toronto Area’s (GTA) most highly anticipated new condo developments is The Kennedys by Samm Developments. This master-planned, multi-tower condo community is launching soon, and it’s quickly becoming the talk of the town. Here are four
Examining the architectural design of The Peak at Emerald City
Now that The Peak, the final 33-storey tower at Emerald City in North York, is launching soon, it’s the talk of the town. Elad Canada has planned and developed an extraordinary master-planned condo community at Sheppard and Don Mills, and a principal of