The World’s Top 10 Most Expensive Skyscrapers!
When discussing skyscrapers, we tend to automatically focus on their height. The fight to be the tallest is an ongoing battle between cities, countries, architects, and designers. Sure, it may be mostly about bragging rights amongst industry
Smart Tech In the Bedroom Helps Us Sleep and Sets the Mood
Since we’ve become increasingly attached to our devices, laptops and cell phones have been creeping into the bedroom. We are now more likely to continue working from bed, lying awake behind the glow of a screen or awakening in the middle of the night to
Jane Jetson’s Dream Kitchen Comes to Life
In 1950, an Associated Press article, “How Experts Think We’ll Live in 2000 A.D.,” predicted that homes in the future would be similar to an episode of the Jetsons. The article reported that “people will live in houses so automatic that push-buttons will
Generations Y and Z Want Green Homes!
We think it’s finally safe to say that the “green trend” is no longer just a trend. The sustainability industry is huge now with companies, inventors, and innovators coming up with new designs for buildings, materials, products, and technologies every
How Soon Will Our Homes Resemble the Hal 9000?
Iconic films such as Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey or, more recently, Spike Jonze’s Her have given us a glimpse at life in the future, where intuitive technology is seamlessly integrated into almost every facet of life. Although we haven’t
INFOGRAPHIC: What Condo Buyers are Looking for in a New Home
Earlier this year, we asked condo buyers and potential condo buyers to take a survey that outlined a few key factors that contribute to the decision to purchase a condo.64 percent of our respondents were female and 36 percent were male, with the majority
The Haunted Houses of Toronto’s History
Toronto is a relatively young city that has recently seen an influx of brand new residential construction. However, some of Toronto’s older homes have unique histories and perhaps even a few lingering residents. Whether you’re a firm believer in the
“Cities of the Future” at Canary Park in Toronto
The team was fortunate enough to be invited to the opening night of “Cities of the Future,” an art exhibit at the Canary Park presentation centre featuring exclusively the photography of the locally famous Tom Ryaboi.The exhibit featured
MARK CULLEN: Winter Prep for Your Home Garden
Here in my zone 5 garden we have turned a significant page in the gardening year. Last week we experienced our first killing frost. This draws to our attention the fact that we are well into the autumn season. That means that we need to be thinking of
Condo Developers Accommodating Cyclists in Toronto
With the Toronto waterfront undergoing dramatic redevelopment, making way for countless new homes, offices and retail spaces, it’s important that we stay a step ahead in terms of transportation.Let’s face it; subways and streetcars are already crowded