INFOGRAPHIC: His and Hers New Homes Desires
It’s no secret that gals and fellas don’t always necessarily see eye to eye, and the process of investing in a new domicile is hardly an exception. We thought we’d host a playful little poll to get a better idea of where these points of tension might
14 Recipes for Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products
‘Tis the season for spring cleaning, when we start opening the windows, cleaning out the closets, and giving those forgotten nooks and crannies a deep clean. This year, as you embark on your annual spring cleaning, try to avoid hauling out containers of
Spring Cleaning: Reclaiming the Closet in 3 Easy Steps
Though spring may seem far away as Toronto continues to trudge through -30 degree weather, April is just around the corner. While we’re all hibernating at home, this is the ideal time to get prepped for some much needed spring cleaning. After the holiday
Warming Huts Completed Along Kew Beach in Toronto!
Driftwood Throne by Dm_Studio (London, UK) - Photo by Eamon MacMahonEarlier this year, RAW Design, Ferris + Associates, and Curio announced the five winners of the Winter Station Design Competition. Now, the “Warming Huts” are complete and ready to be
Can Toronto Handle the Next-Generation Real Estate Tycoon?
Today’s players of the board game Monopoly probably believe those properties and railroads are made-up names from some fictitious land, but they were all prominent in the then nicknamed “World’s Playground” — Atlantic City, New Jersey.As you can tell
Celebrating the Chinese New Year with Feng Shui
The state of your home has a startlingly strong effect on your mental state. Though we can often begin to feel depressed and sluggish during the long winter months, just a few tweaks to the home can help give you the lift you need to make it to the warm
Mark Cullen’s Veggie Garden Primer Tips
Canadians have fewer diversions in late winter: swimming, boating, fishing and, yes gardening, are distant memories. It is difficult to even remember what warm sunshine feels like, never mind get outdoors and absorb some vitamin D.Oh for those spring
Staying at Home with Your Valentine
In a wave of confectionary and flowers how do you stand out on Valentine’s Day? How do you avoid that wave of panic when you see the pricetag on the “perfect’ gift? This year, reduce your anxiety, and the likelihood of a cavity, and give a gift that says
Toronto is the Best City in the World!
A recent study by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has concluded what many Torontonians have suspected and promoted for quite some time: Toronto is the best city in the world in which to live.And if that doesn’t make the rest of the world take note
SURVEY: His and Hers Home Preferences
Do basic home preferences differ between men and women?We're trying to find out! The majority of home preferences seem gender neutral, which is why we're interested in seeing if there are any polarizing opinions between men and women. Perhaps our