First-time buyers should take advantage of the Boost program at Daniels FirstHome Markham Sheppard
We recently posted about how Daniels FirstHome has become even more attractive to first-time buyers with the current market conditions. New condo prices are hitting record highs, supply is still low, and there’s a new
Stateview on the Mark Groundbreaking Cutline
Stateview Homes Breaks Ground at on the Mark
The Grand Opening of Upper Unionville Phase 2
Saturday May 25, 2013, was potentially the biggest day of the year so far for the low-rise housing industry. Fieldgate Homes, Arista Homes, Starlane Homes, and Paradise Homes hosted the Grand Opening of Phase 2 of Upper Unionville in Markham, and boy,
Safety Net
Protect your home should the inconceivable occur.
Mount Albert Village: Final Release of Phase 3
The final release of Phase 3 at Mount Albert Village by Oxford Homes is now available!
Aurora Trails Preview Greets Hundreds of Homebuyers!
The weekend we were all waiting for has come and gone! The Preview Open House at Aurora Trails saw hundreds of prospective homebuyers line up to get a glimpse of Arista Homes, Fieldgate Homes, OPUS Homes, and Paradise Homes’ collections. Mayor Geoffrey
Knowing When To Buy Or Rent
Deciding whether to rent or buy a home is a major decision that requires careful consideration.
What an Eye-Opener!
Open-concept home designs have become hugely popular.
Final Release Coming to Upper Unionville in Markham!
If you live in or around Markham, or anywhere in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) for that matter, you’ve probably heard of Upper Unionville, the grand master-plan from leading builders: Arista Homes, Fieldgate Homes, Paradise Homes, and Starlane Home
The Best Just Got Better!
New 46' lots on a cul-de-sac coming soon! When it comes to buying a home, it's all about location, location, location. Arista Homes knows that your dream home must be in a community that meets your wish list about where and how you want to live.