Home decor tips for people without outdoor space
Have you been eagerly anticipating the warmth that spring eventually brings, but don’t have private outdoor space to fully enjoy it? We’ve got you covered! Here are five design directions to transform your space and bring the outdoors in! 1) Let the sun
The 20 Design Excellence finalists for the 2017 OAA Awards
The Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) recently announced the 20 finalists for the prestigious Design Excellence Award, which recognizes the best of the best in architectural designs.“The OAA Awards showcases the exceptional work that Ontario
Using colour to brighten your home and mood while waiting for spring
Do you need a little something to lift your mood in March? Did you know that colour has been used for centuries as a form of healing therapy? The colour choices for your home can have an impact on your well-being and happiness. The colours you choose to
The winners of the 2017 EnerQuality Awards
Last week, EnerQuality hosted the Housing Innovation Forum and Awards. The theme was “New, Now, Next;” the forum explored and examined innovations in the new home industry and the potential of future technologies. Topics included building sciences,
Home decor inspired by Oscar finalists
This weekend the stars will align to vie for the most coveted hardware in Hollywood at the 89th Academy Awards. We took a look at a few of the Oscar finalists and listed some home decor inspired by the films and actors. While the top contenders cover a
Menkes unveils restored Banksy artwork in Toronto’s PATH system
Menkes just unveiled a restored art piece attributed to the anonymous British artist, Banksy, in Toronto’s PATH system near the One York office tower.In 2010, Banksy reportedly visited Toronto following the release of the film Exit Through the Gift Shop.
Bedroom designs that will amp up the romance
Are you happy with the design of your bedroom or have things gotten stale? I find that often the master bedroom is the last room of the house that couples decorate. It seems that the design focus is usually on rooms that other people see or spaces for
4 creative ideas for the family room no one uses
You know that room at the front of your house that no one ever uses? Some people call it a “family room” even though families mostly hang out in the kitchen. That’s valuable square footage and if it looks like a roped off museum display then you’re
3 old-school home decor trends we want to see revived this year
Every season, new home decor trends are ushered into popularity as old fads fade into obscurity. But while it’s easy to abide by what’s trendy, it’s even more special when you can infuse your home with unique elements of the past, and more so when you
Home decor tricks that will boost your productivity
As January continues to speed by, we’re all coming to terms with the fact that the holidays are officially over and a new year has swiftly begun. Though we have taken down the string lights and the poinsettias have wilted, the attitude of improvement and