Mortgage Basics
Perhaps even more stressful than finding the perfect home is finding the perfect mortgage.
Closing Costs
When it comes to closing costs, it's important for new homebuyers to be aware of all the fees required to seal the deal.
Small Changes Add Up To Big Savings
Making small energy changes can add up to big savings in the future.
Haute Kitchen
In the fantasy of the perfect kitchen the ingredients are always on hand, in their freshest, most eye appealing form.
Paint Colour trends for 2009-2010
Mixing unexpected colours the latest trend in today's décors.
Air conditioner tips for the summer ahead
Dave Walton, director of home ideas at Direct Energy offers the following tips to homeowners for priming their air conditioners.
I'm Approved? What Else?
After getting approved for your new home or condo, there are additional costs that you have to prepare for.
Upgrade Your Thinking About Extras
Consumers are more educated and demanding shoppers when it comes to upgrading their homes.
Let It Go or Organize It
Keeping your condo organized is very important because after some time things will pile up and it'll get cluttered.