Furnishing Small Spaces
If you find yourself with less than six hundred square feet, you might not be able to fit a grand piano in your living room.
Fireplaces are hot these days, and not just to the touch.
Fine Dining
It may be the least-used room in your home, but more and more people are striving to create the perfect dining room.
Model Homes
Many people decide to buy a house or a condominium based on their experiences with model homes.
Food for the Family
It's hard for families to sit down for a family meal with such busy schedules.
It's All About Chi
If a new homeowner wants more energy in their home then they should look at feng shui.
Carpeting and Rugs
For a small outlay, the rewards for carpeting can be breathtaking and instantaneous.
Antiques and Collectibles
Antiques and collectibles make Ontario a décor paradise.
Modern Country
Modern country is about taking classic lines and softening them through the use of fabrics and paint.
The Home Office
Now that you've moved into your new home, it's time to find a place to get your work done.