Wine Cellars
Wine cellars are no longer the prerogative of the very wealthy, and wine collections need no longer reside in the cellar.
Tying a Room Together with Fabrics
Look to fabrics to help solve your decorating dilemma.
If Walls Could Talk
Paint finishes are one of the most impactful ways to add individuality to your home.
Furniture Placement
There are many key factors that come into play with regards to furniture placement.
The Finishing Touch
For homebuyers, choosing finishes is an exciting opportunity to imprint a personal stamp of style and mood.
Colour Theory
The human eye can distinguish more than 7 million colours, and our minds react in complex emotional ways when faced with each one.
Home Office Design
Having a home office is one of many benefits of having your own home.
Haute Kitchen
In the fantasy of the perfect kitchen the ingredients are always on hand, in their freshest, most eye appealing form.
Paint Colour trends for 2009-2010
Mixing unexpected colours the latest trend in today's décors.