Should we be worried about the increase in mortgages with alternative lenders?
Government policy like the mortgage stress test was introduced to cool Canada’s housing market, which it did, but some buyers have decided to simply go a different route, and it could be bad for the overall health of the market.
New report calls stress test for uninsured mortgages ‘unnecessary’
Canada’s financial regulator, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), wants homebuyers with uninsured mortgages to qualify with a stress test. A recent report from the Fraser Institute says the stress test is “unnecessary” and
What would happen if the mortgage stress test was eliminated?
Sixteen months after the implementation of the federal government’s B-20 mortgage stress test regulations, TD Bank released an examination of its effects. Basically, the stress test did what it was supposed to do, but had some unintended consequences.
Shared equity mortgages: A good idea going to scale
When the Federal government released its budget in mid-March, those in the housing sector were eager to see what might be in store to help address the pressing need of making housing more affordable.
INFOGRAPHIC: A Look at The Canadian Mortgage Market
There's no doubt that a healthy mortgage market fuels many different aspects of our economy. It creates jobs, stability within the real estate industry, and overall, allows people to feel more secure with their investments.With that in mind, our friends
Millennials more likely to fib on their mortgage application
Would you ever fib on a mortgage application? Have you ever? Findings from a new Equifax survey suggests that Canadian millennials are more willing to do so than the general population.
More From Mortgages
My clients often tell me that one of their most important financial goals is to pay off their mortgage rapidly.
Is this the year you become a landlord?
With the recent mortgage rule changes requiring all insured mortgages to undergo a stress-test, it’s possible that many who were looking to get into the market this year may hold off and decide to rent for another year or so in order to save for a 20%