Tips to help your home garden beat the heat this summer! Image

Tips to help your home garden beat the heat this summer!

Summer is the time for green thumbs to shine. But sometimes, the sunshine can be too intense for your home garden, so I’m sharing a few tips to help your plants and flowers beat the heat this season.

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6 reasons why your home is NOT haunted Image

6 reasons why your home is NOT haunted

If you think your house is haunted, then we’re here to tell you that you actually may have much more serious, real problems with your home.

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Home buyers demand smarter designs Image

Home buyers demand smarter designs

Prospective new home buyers list energy-efficiency, organization and comfort as their top priorities in considering their next move.

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Smart technology that will make your home reno easier Image

Smart technology that will make your home reno easier

Technology has encroached into "virtually" every aspect of our lives (pun intended). You can do everything from vacuuming your home while you're at work to controlling your lights while you're on a beach in the tropics. Finding the right products,

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VIDEO: Nail Pops and Your New Home Warranty Image

VIDEO: Nail Pops and Your New Home Warranty

If you’ve ever purchased a new home you may already be familiar with these pesky little guys! If you’ve never seen one before this is what it’s all about:About a year after purchasing your new home, it’s possible that the heads of some nails may start to

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Without Toronto and Vancouver, the average home price in Canada is below $400,000 Image

Without Toronto and Vancouver, the average home price in Canada is below $400,000

Though it seemed like the housing market was heating up last spring, on a national level, activity was a bit less exciting, according to the latest monthly report from the Candian Real Estate Association.

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LJM Developments will no longer build detached homes Image

LJM Developments will no longer build detached homes

Recently, LJM Developments was featured in the Design Develop Construct Journal (DDC). President of LJM Developments, Liaquat Mian, was interviewed and he shared some interesting news! It turns out LJM Developments has some big plans for the next decade

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Home Buying Team Image

Home Buying Team

Aside from you and your family, a lot of people are involved in buying a home such as a home buying team.

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There is less than 1-month supply of new detached homes in the GTA Image

There is less than 1-month supply of new detached homes in the GTA

The Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) just released its new home sales figures for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) for September 2016, announcing that high-rise sales are still on track for a record year and we are running out of

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Buying a detached home and the importance of patience Image

Buying a detached home and the importance of patience

I have a confession to make - I’m slightly conflicted about the state of the Greater Toronto Area’s housing market. Is there actually an affordability crisis? Does the mortgage stress test actually need to be adjusted? 

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