Do you want a home with artificial intelligence?
By Lucas on Aug 08, 2017
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic lately. Recently, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said that Elon Musk’s pessimistic view of AI was “pretty irresponsible.” Musk replied by calling Zuckerberg’s understanding of AI “limited.”
While leaders in the tech industry debate the future of AI, we can’t help but picture what our homes may be like with built-in AI systems. Sure, there are enough horror/thriller movies about a home turning against its occupants, but perhaps that’s the reason many are anxious about current AI and smart home advancements.
Let’s take a look at the potential of home AI:
1) Improved punctuality
Ideally, a home AI system could learn your routine, set reminders for you, activate alarms, and even suggest ways to make your routine more efficient. Improved punctuality in general could affect your life enormously, professionally and personally. Being on time for work always looks good, and you would never be late to pick up a date again.
2) Eat healthier
There are already smart home products that can track grocery lists, but AI takes it one step (maybe a few steps) further. A home AI system could track your diet and make recommendations to ensure you’re getting the right amount of nutrients on a daily basis. You could also become a better chef with suggested recipes and auditory and video tutorials.
3) Commute safer
If your home can communicate with you and learn your habits, we don’t see why that same AI entity couldn’t also exist in your car. Imagine getting into your car and telling it that you were headed to work, then it could just drive you there. It’s like having a chauffeur that never makes any mistakes.
4) Sleep better
There are a number of factors that contribute to your quality of sleep, from what you do right before bed, what you eat during the day, to your dreams or nightmares, and the temperature of your bedroom. This may sound creepy, but if your home AI senses the temperature is too warm for you to sleep peacefully, it could turn up the air conditioning.
Should we be nervous about artificial intelligence?
All of this sounds amazing right? But it seems like it’s only a matter of time before your home AI system starts making mistakes. If an entity is conscious and capable of learning and adapting, wouldn’t it be flawed like a human mind?
There’s a voice inside all of us telling us what, when, where, why, and how we want to do everything we do on a daily basis. By using AI in our homes, are we in danger of replacing that voice, thereby dampening our personal decision making skills?
It’s pretty safe to say we’re far from building homes with built-in AI systems, but the way technology is advancing, it’s probably a decision homebuyers will have to face sooner rather than later! We wonder if any builders are planning for the future of AI.