Winter Maintenance Checklist
By Lucas on Dec 20, 2013
From Granite Homes
The temperatures have dropped and the snow is falling…. Winter is here. Once again it is time to review your seasonal home maintenance checklist. It is important with the change of every season that you are aware of the items in and around your home that must be inspected. This task should be completed on a monthly basis to ensure that you are meeting the requirements for maintaining your home.
The following is a list of items that should be examined during the winter months;
In completing these items, among other indoor and outdoor maintenance, you will ensure that your home remains in the best of conditions for years to come. For the existing homeowner, a comprehensive maintenance schedule and video can be found on the Tarion website. These items will provide you with the information you need to ensure your home is functioning to the best of its ability. If you are a new home buyer who has purchased from Granite Homes you can rest assured that you will be provided this information in your Homeowner Information Manual in addition to the Maintenance Schedule that is sent via email to each of their homeowners on a seasonal basis. This small gesture from Granite Homes is just another way that they have set their company apart from the competition. For more information on Granite Homes please visit the website at www.granitehomes.ca and contact one of the New Home
Specialists today. With great locations, outstanding home designs and included upgrades at no extra cost, seasonal maintenance will not be a daunting chore as you enjoy your new Granite Home!