Another Trip to The Canary District!
By Lucas on Apr 05, 2013
For the third time in less than six months, our friends over at The Canary District and Dundee Kilmer invited us to check out the construction progress.
A total of eight cranes are up and operational at The Canary District. To our knowledge, there’s no other master plan development in the downtown core that has eight cranes all up at once. It was quite the site.
During the tour, Jason Lester, Chief Operating Officer of Dundee Realty, told us a little bit more about what’s been going on at The Canary District since our last visit.
"We started building the project as part of an agreement with Infrastructure Ontario in the fall of 2011. We have been going at it for roughly 18 months now. The best part of the tour today is that you can see that every building is starting to come out of the ground."
Some of the highlights of the tour included checking out the Don River park, which is now 95 percent complete, and seeing the housing take shape, as well as the George Brown residence and the YMCA.
"The YMCA will be one of the largest built in the City of Toronto. It will have 82,000 square feet of space, and once it’s fully built, we anticipate over 100 people could use it at any given time. It will be a real anchor for the area,” explained Lester.
For those who haven’t heard much about the incredible project, The Canary District will be home to the athletes of the 2015 Pan Am Games. After the games, the buildings will be completely finished and serve as normal housing. Dundee Kilmer is combining market condominiums with retail and unique infrastructure that will make this former industrial land one of the most desirable neighbourhoods in Toronto.
For more information on The Canary Distict, visit their website at CanaryDistrict.com or check out their project page on NewInHomes.com. We thank Jason and Dundee Kilmer for the tour and look forward to our next trip out to The Canary District!