Tickets still available for The Journey – A Living History of the Regent Park Revitalization
By Newinhomes on Oct 25, 2018
We just booked our tickets for the closing night of The Journey – A Living History of the Regent Park Revitalization, a musical show put on by Daniels and Regent Park artists.
This is the fifth iteration of The Journey, including new songs by Daniels president, Mitchell Cohen, and many new stories, all voiced through the talented poets, musicians, and singers residing in and participating in the Regent Park arts community.
The show’s website explains what the show is all about:
“The Journey is a musical that tells the story of a transformation of a Toronto neighbourhood and the families within it as the resilient tight knit community of Regent Park undergoes a decades long revitalization. Among the many residents, Afiya a poignant teenaged poet who shines through writing and performing, is confronted by her cultural gender role when her parents refuse to accept her art. Meanwhile an eye-opening trip to St. Vincent awakens youth from the neighbourhood to a new understanding about life at home. The Journey is the strong heartbeat of the people of Regent Park, all that is lost and gained, as their community quickly transforms around them.”
The closing night is sponsored by EVOLV, a new purpose-built market rental, which is currently under construction at Shuter and River St. It’s the first of its kind in the Regent Park revitalization.
All other performances are sold out, but tickets are available for the closing night, so you should get yours right now!
All proceeds go towards supporting youth arts programming, operations, and capital improvements at Daniels Spectrum.
The closing night performance will be performed at Daniels Spectrum (585 Dundas St. East). There’s a pre-show cocktail reception at 6 pm, the performance begins at 7:30 pm, and the post-show reception is at 9 pm.
We hope to see you there!
Photos via journeyregentpark.ca