Things you should know before moving into your new condo during interim occupancy
By Newinhomes on Aug 15, 2019
Moving into your new condo is an exciting thing to do, especially if you’re a first-time buyer. If you’re moving in before the building is registered and you’re paying interim occupancy fees, it means there will likely still be construction underway.
We have a few tips for living in a new condo construction zone, but this post is more about how to mentally prepare for moving into your new condo during interim occupancy.
Elevators may be slow
In the evening, the elevators should be working just fine, but during the day, as early as 6 am, the elevators will be in use by construction workers. Some developers will have designated elevator attendants during the day. Sometimes an elevator will arrive and it will be full of workers and equipment, so you’ll have to wait for another one. It’s important to keep elevator wait times in mind because you don’t want to be late for work! If you live on a lower floor, consider taking the stairs in the morning.Fire alarm testing
As people begin to move into the new condo, property management will be testing the fire alarms many times, usually during 9-5 work hours, so hopefully you’re not home for this. Fire alarms are typically tested once a month or so in most condo buildings, but it will probably be a bit more frequent when you first move in.Off-limit areas
You’ll notice that the buttons in the elevator for the higher floors may be blocked off by a piece of wood or some sort of signage, that’s because construction is still ongoing and it is unsafe for you to access these levels. Same goes for amenity spaces, which are commonly on lower floors. Until you’ve received notice that the amenities are open, do not enter these areas because there could be exposed materials and equipment that could cause you injury.Privacy
When the condo is complete, there will be close neighbours on balconies, but that’s about it. When you first move in, there may be construction workers doing work all around your windows or near your balcony, and in some cases will have direct views into your unit. While we’re sure the majority of condo developments have respectful workers onsite, it doesn’t hurt to have your curtains picked out and packed into an easily accessible box on moving day.Potential damage
When you conducted your pre-delivery inspection with the developer, you should have noted all the things that need to be fixed before you move in; things like scratches on the floor, chips out of tile, a bad paint job, or any other errors or damages to the finishes. Ideally, all of this is taken care of before you move in, but sometimes it’s not, and sometimes you notice things after you move in that you didn’t see during your PDI. As soon as you move in, do another inspection and go directly to the developer with things that need to be fixed. You can also fill out Tarion’s 30-day form in case you need them to take action on some items.We hope these tips help prepare you to move into your new condo during interim occupancy!