The 4 most important unspoken rules of the condo gym
By Sumiko Wilson on Oct 27, 2016
Doesn’t everyone want to sweat in style? The days of trekking to the gym are long over thanks to the influx of elaborate fitness centres in condo buildings. Back in the day, the condo gym was an afterthought, housing only a handful of treadmills and a minuscule selection of weights at best. They’re now among the most used amenities in any condo residence and buyers aren’t willing to compromise quality.
In addition to an extensive selection of modern equipment, new condo developments are hoping to revolutionize traditional condo gyms by offering challenging group workout classes, trendy juice bars, and elite speaker systems, all in hopes of encouraging residents to take out their earphones and bond with their neighbours, transforming workout culture from a solitary experience to a social gathering.
While having a gym in-house makes working out less intimidating for condo dwellers, it’s important not to overlook the unspoken rules of the condo gym that you should always remember in order to make everyone’s workouts smoother and keep you in your neighbours’ good graces.
So next time you make your way down to your condo gym, remember these rules:
1) Keep it clean
Gyms and germs go together like muscles and weights. Because of this, always remember to sanitize gym equipment before and after using it. It is not only common courtesy, but it’s also one of the most effective preventative measures that you can take to protect yourself from the cocktail of germs inevitably lurking around the equipment, despite how clean your gym may appear.
With that, try to stay away from your condo’s gym when you are sick. You would be surprised how quickly your sickness can spread when you are leaving a trail of sweat wherever you go.
And while it’s your gym, it isn’t just your gym, so always wipe down your mats, bars, dumbbells, and machines, and at the end of your workout be sure to return everything to where it belongs, even if you didn’t find it there.
2) Avoid small talk
The gym may seem like the perfect place to get to know your neighbours but in reality, most people aren’t willing to delve into conversation while benching their body weight. The gym could serve as a great way to bond with your neighbours if there’s a class or a juice bar, but it’s important to discern when it’s the right time to strike up a conversation and when you might be a disruption.
3) Don’t be a distraction
When everyone is in close quarters and they are all trying to stay focused, loud noises can be a nuisance. From obnoxious grunting to loud music to slamming weights, some workout practices can be distracting and annoying in a group setting. Phone calls can be especially disruptive because no one cares about your phone conversation. Either keep your phone on silent or take your call outside the gym to maintain a peaceful workout environment.
4) Limit guests
It’s normal to want to take full advantage of your condo’s amenities by sharing them with friends but keep guests to a minimum in the gym, as it will surely be frustrating if your neighbours are unable to workout because the equipment is being used by people who don’t even live in the building.
We hope that these tips help your next workout go smoothly in your condo gym!