Shanghai Tower wins the prestigious Emporis Skyscraper Award!
By Lucas on Nov 01, 2016
Emporis, the world’s leading database of high-rise architecture projects, just announced the winners of the annual Emporis Skyscraper Award. For the second consecutive year, a tower in China claims the top prize. Over 300 skyscrapers over 100 meters tall were completed in 2015, all of which were eligible for the Award.
Designed by Gensler Architects and 2Define Architecture, Shanghai Tower stands 632 meters (128 storeys), making it the second tallest in the world and the tallest in Asia. There are many reasons why Shanghai tower won over the judges, aside from its “elegant spiraling cylindrical shape.”
Thanks to its double skin facade, Shanghai Tower acts like a thermos, making it incredibly energy efficient. It also has the fastest elevator in the world, which travels a staggering 20 meters a second. The viewing platform is also one of the highest in the world, located 561 meters up in the air.
Second place was taken by Evolution Tower in Moscow. The jury, which is made up of architectural experts from all around the world, found its exterior design striking due to the fact that each floor rotates three degrees in relation to the floor below it. From the bottom to the top, the tower twists 150 degrees. The design was inspired by St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow and Tatlin’s Tower.
Third place is a tower of many names. Located in Milan, Il Dritto, which means “The Straight One,” is also known as Allianz Tower because Allianz, the German financial service company is the owner. The design was inspired by Constantin Brâncu?i’s “Endless Column” sculpture.
Jumping down to 10th place, we have to mention that ÏCE II in Toronto was a winner this year! Designed by architectsAlliance, ÏCE II stands 234 meters (67 storeys). The jury selected ÏCE II as a winner thanks to its extensive green roof and its standout design, which is inspired by modern Scandinavian style.
The 10 winners of the Emporis Skyscraper Award are listed below:
1) Shanghai Tower
Copyright: Connie Zhou
2) Evolution Tower
Copyright: Igor Butyrskii
3) Il Dritto
Copyright: Boris Kauffer
4) Jiangxi Nanchang Greenland Central Plaza
Copyright: Lv Hengzhong
5) Abode318
Copyright: Wang-Hsin Pei CC BY 2.0
6) Icon Bay
Copyright: Robin Hill
7) D1 Tower
Copyright: Alan Millin
8) 432 Park Avenue
Copyright: Royce Douglas
9) Citygate Tower
Copyright: Lukas Dostal
10) ÏCE II
Copyright: Edvard Mahnic