September: DIY Month
By Lucas on Sep 03, 2014
It’s been nearly a year since we committed an entire month to highlighting fun and innovative Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects on the Newinhomes.com Blog!
As usual, we’ll be featuring a variety of DIY projects, from helpful home improvement tasks to trendy, autumn design tips. We know you don’t like to think about it, but the weather will be getting colder soon, and if you’re living in the Greater Toronto Area (or anywhere in Canada for that matter), then you need to get your home ready for winter! These weather related DIY projects will be more for low-rise homeowners. That’s the benefit of living in a condo, you don’t have to worry about the snow, you just have to get your valuables off the balcony, and you don’t need a DIY blog post for that.
Of course, we’ll be focusing on mostly the fun stuff. Last year, we featured posts about building your own chair, ways to modernize your backyard, and even how to build your own micro-home! We’re not going to reveal anything about this year yet, so you’ll just have to stay tuned to our blog all month for all the details!
If you’re a handyman (or handywoman) with some special home-themed DIY projects that you would like to share with homebuyers and frequenters of the Newinhomes.com Blog, then contact us today at lucas@homebuyers.com. Your DIY project could be a main feature on our blog for all of September!
We’re looking forward to learning many new DIY projects that will improve the quality, aesthetic, and even the value of your homes.