The Salvation Army Provides Help for Families in Need in Brampton
By Lucas on Sep 20, 2013
From OPUS Homes
Another recipient of the OPUS Homes Families Helping Families Program is The Salvation Army, an organization that has provided the essentials of life to families in need for 130 years. Through their selfless commitment to ending poverty, The Salvation Army provides nutrition through their Food Bank, where they see an average of 35 families per day.
Though the distribution of food is the most visible program of The Salvation Army, there are also a number of community programs that include a summer camp program, a seniors program, as well as providing much-needed school supplies to help families with kids heading back to school this fall.
“The Salvation Army greatly appreciates the financial assistance provided by the Families Helping Families Program,” said Gordon Randell, Supervisor, Community and Family Services, The Salvation Army, Brampton Chapter.
About The Salvation Army
• The Salvation Army has been helping families in need for 130 years
• The Salvation Army is an organization dedicated to ending poverty and allowing all people to live with dignity
• Volunteer or Donate or to simply learn more, please visit www.salvationarmy.ca
“At OPUS Homes, we are parents, too, so we are extremely pleased to support these valuable programs, and to use our resources to give back to the communities that have given us so much,” said Andrea DeGasperis-Ronco of OPUS Homes, “The Families Helping Families Program gives us, and all of our OPUS homeowners, an opportunity to feel good about helping others.”