New Renderings for 1092 Kingston Rd.
By Lucas on Jul 11, 2013
Word on a new condo development at 1092-1118 Kingston Rd. in Toronto made its first waves earlier this year in January. Well, earlier this month at the project’s first community meeting, new renderings were unveiled!
The plan for 1092-1118 Kingston Rd.
The primary address for this condo development will be 1092 Kingston Rd. Developers Main and Main Developments and TAS DesignBuild are working with Teeple Architects to bring a boutique, mid-rise condo to the site. Currently, Alpine Hotel, a local eyesore, occupies the site. We bet the locals will be happy to see this go.
The site is bordered by Blantyre Ave. on the east and Victoria Park Ave. on the west. On the east side of the site, the current proposal reaches eight storeys, and 10 storeys on the west. The condo will feature 169 residential units, retail on the ground floor, and 193 parking spaces in an underground garage.
The current design features dramatic setbacks to reduce shadowing, a very important characteristic for the locals. Teeple’s design is modern, resembling a condo you might see in the west end of the city, near Liberty Village. The design will definitely serve as a breath of fresh air for the community.
What’s next for 1092 Kingston Rd.?
Remember, these renderings were presented at the very first community meeting for the project. That means it could be another two or three years before Main and Main and TAS DesignBuild even put a shovel in the ground. It also means that this design could go through a lot of changes over the next few community meetings.
According to Birch Cliff News, the first meeting went rather well. Locals expressed concerns about shadowing, traffic, and high winds - and Mazyar Mortazavi, Principal of TAS DesignBuild, was understanding and clearly willing to work with the locals. Mortazavi was quoted in an interview as saying, “We don’t own the communities that we build in. We’re coming in as a guest.”
Your opinion of the plans for 1092 Kingston Rd.
So, what do you think? Is this the proper size for the area? Is there anything different you would like to see regarding the design?
Stay tuned, we’ll be keeping a close eye on Main and Main Developments and TAS DesignBuild's progress with 1092 Kingston Rd. We look forward to watching the project come to life.Images discovered on Birch Cliff News