Planning for Winter Interest in the Garden
By Mark Cullen on Feb 04, 2015
I have met many Canadian gardeners who think that the ‘winter garden’ is a waste of time. I say, “Not so.”
The months between leaf clean up and spring wake-up is the perfect time for Canadian gardeners to do some serious gardening in their head. Take the time to assess your garden. During the winter months you can see your garden’s bare bones: the patterns made by paths, gates, decks, fences, flower beds, shrubs, and trees.
An additional benefit of planning at this time of year is that you will be more aware of adding winter colour and interest to your garden design than if you were to do it in the spring. Remember, too, that during the winter you will usually be viewing your garden only from the house. Your views will be restricted to those from your windows, so you want those views to be especially attractive in the winter.
As you gaze out the window, reach for pencil and paper and start making notes. Decide how much lawn you want, where trees and tall shrubs should be placed, where the vegetable and ornamental gardens will be located. Once you’ve done this, pretend that no season other than winter exists. What will keep you interested in your garden?
One source of pleasure will be the shapes and textures of permanent plantings; another will be wildlife, especially birds. Many plants may scarcely be noticed in spring and summer when they provide the background against which showy annuals and perennials provide seasonal eye candy. In the winter, however, the background plants – usually shrubs, evergreens, trees, and vines – take on a featured role due to their bark, berries, and shapes.
I leave ornamental grasses and tall perennial seed heads standing through the winter. Ornamental grasses provide movement and texture in the winter garden. Song birds are attracted to seed heads left on perennial plants. While the birds are enjoying this source of food, you will enjoy the beauty of both the plants and the wildlife they attract.
Supplement natural food sources with a few bird feeders and a bird bath with an electric ice melter in it. The sound of birds in the garden will draw you outside on calm winter days and keep you coming to your favourite windows to enjoy the view.
Via Mark Cullen
Bark and Colour
Winter interest in the garden is not dependent on snow cover. Select shrubs and trees with interesting bark colour and texture.
My Favourite Deciduous Plants for Winter Interest
- White Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera) – A deciduous tree that grows up to 30 metres tall. Valued for its decorative bark which is coppery-brown when young turning white with age. Hardy to zone 2.
- Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) – Great fall colour with leaves turning bronze or red. Retain their leaves through the winter. Hardy to zone 4.
- Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea ‘Cardinal’) – Deep red branches are a great winter accent. Best grown in rich, moist soils in full sun to part shade. Hardy to zone 2.
- Yellow Twig Dogwood (Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’). Dogwoods can be grown in full sun to partial shade. When grown in full sun the colour of the bark is brighter and more intense. Golden yellow colour of branches adds interest to the winter garden. Hardy to zone 3.
- Paperbark Maple (Acer griseum). Copper-coloured peeling bark is a decorative year round. Grows well in sun or part shade. Hardy to zone 4.
- Burning Bush (Euonymus alata ‘Compactus’) – Also known as Winged Euonymus for its winged bark. Well known for its striking red leaves in the fall. Burning Bush also has ‘wings’ which flare out from the bark along its branches. Hardy to zone 4.
- Boxwood (Buxus) – A great choice for a low hedge. Can also be grown as a single specimen for green accents throughout the landscape. Boxwoods tolerate annual pruning in formal settings. Hardy to zone 5.
- Euonymus (Euonymus fortunei) – There are several evergreen varieties of Euonymus. These shrubs are very easy to grow and have many uses. Plant in full sun to part shade. Hardy to zone 5.
- Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster sp.) – Hardy, fast growing shrubs with interwoven branches. Bright red to orange berries add interest to the shrubs from autumn through winter. Hardy to zone 4.
- Emerald Cedar (Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’) – An upright evergreen shrub which retains its bright emerald green colour throughout the year. Hardy to zone 3.
- Purple Wintercreeper (Euonymus Coloratus fortunei) – A dense, broadleaf evergreen which comes in a variety of forms. Often grown as a trailing ground cover. Versatile plant for sunny or shady locations. Hardy to zone 4.
Mark Cullen appears on Canada AM every Wednesday morning at 8:40. He is spokesperson for Home Hardware Lawn and Garden. Sign up for his free monthly newsletter at www.markcullen.com.