The Next Phase: NY2
By Lucas on Dec 05, 2012
Last year, the team at Daniels unveiled their NY towers, with their ultra successful rent-to-own program in North York. Potential purchasers, who regularly struggle to come up with down payments, rejoiced in the fact that an affordable alternative was being offered. Now, with demand for housing at an all time high, The Daniels Corporation is set to launch the second phase at Yonge and Bayview.
“Purchasing a new home is one of the biggest and most exciting decisions you will ever make, and at Daniels, we work hard to create programs that help to make the dream of homeownership more attainable,” says Martin Blake, Daniels’ Vice-President. “We are really excited about NY Place and the Rent-to-Own program because it will help make it easier for people to get into homeownership by allowing them to accumulate a significant portion of their monthly rent towards their down payment for the purchase of their new home. For many, this is the extra help they need to be able to enter into the new home market place and realize their dream of homeownership.”
We don't know too much about the project at this time. We expect that The Daniels Corporation will once again offer some excellent features and finishes, as well as great amenities.
For anyone who forgot how the process worked last year, Daniels will allow you to move into your new home, with the rent going towards your 5 percent down payment. Pretty simple, and pretty awesome!
For more information on NY2, your opportunity for affordable, yet high quality living, check out NyCondos2. Be sure to register to make sure that you are first in line for what will definitely be a highly sought after community.