Pauline Praseuth of Options for Homes
By Lucas on Feb 12, 2014
Hero name: International Design Consultant
Allegiance: Options for Homes
Secret Identity: Pauline Praseuth
Age: 22
Time Active: 1.5 years
Origin Story:
Pauline attended George Brown College and graduated as an Architectural Technologist. She was first introduced to the new home industry when a volunteer opportunity with Options for Homes became available. For the volunteering gig, Pauline helped Options redesign the layout of their office. It wasn’t long before Options recognized how naturally talented she was at design and AutoCAD. It looks like Pauline has been bitten by the homebuilding bug because she is now pursuing a Construction Management degree while working with Options as a design consultant in their international department.
Special Powers:
Multitasker - balancing school and work is never easy!
Visualizer - a hands-on approach makes it easier to turn ideas into a reality.
Ultra Creative - designs for elevations, floorplans, 3D renders, isometrics, site plans, and cross sections don’t just pop into existence out of thin air.
Current Developments:
A 34-acre residential development in Limbe, Cameroon.
Assisting where necessary on other Options for Homes projects.
“I envision that the Options for Homes model will take over the home building industry through future developers like myself. I believe with a strong passion for the model and through a lot of work, as a future developer I can make this happen.” Click here to learn more about the Options for Homes building model.
Interesting Fact:
Pauline loves to snowboard, and play volleyball and basketball!