Observatory Lands gets the Go Ahead
By Lucas on May 08, 2013
One of the most intriguing development proposals in the Greater Toronto Area, specifically Richmond Hill, has officially been approved. The development of the David Dunlap Observatory lands is now set to move forward.
The OMB approves the plan at David Dunlap Observatory
Last week, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) ruled in favour of an agreement between the Town of Richmond Hill and Metrus Development to develop 520 single-family homes at the David Dunlap Observatory lands. As part of the agreement, the developer will gift 56 percent of the land (99 acres) to the Town in order to ensure that the area receives a large public park.
“We are pleased that the OMB supports our mediated settlement,” said Mayor Dave Barrow. “With this decision, we are assured that the significant cultural and natural heritage of this property will be protected. This is a made-in-Richmond Hill solution, where five different parties worked together to hammer out a settlement that achieves all of the natural and cultural heritage objectives for the David Dunlap Observatory lands.”
Metrus and Richmond Hill working together
Ever since the purchase in 2008, Metrus has been working with the Town of Richmond Hill to find a suitable solution, one that would benefit existing residents of the area, as well as allow for the building of a significant amount of much needed low-rise homes.
“Although it was a very long process, we appreciate the hard work of everyone involved,” said Councillor Godwin Chan, Ward 6. “The passion of the DDO Defenders and residents for protecting this property, along with the hard work of our staff and the parties who entered into mediation, has resulted in the protection of this important public asset. This is a proud accomplishment for all of us.”
The History of the David Dunlap Observatory
Originally opened in 1935, the David Dunlap Observatory lands was a gift to the University of Toronto as a memorial to Jessie Dunlap’s husband David Andrew Dunlap. The Observatory was a research centre for the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University. In 2008, the property was sold by the University.
Congratulations to both Metrus and the Town of Richmond Hill on taking a few steps forward. We look forward to receiving more information about the Observatory lands, and can’t wait to watch the whole thing take shape!