New homes must be more energy efficient starting in 2017
By Lucas on Nov 04, 2016
Attention builders, developers, renovators, trades, and contractors - did you know that starting January 2017, you will be required to build more energy efficient homes?
It’s true! The Ontario Building Code (OBC) provision SB-12 will require all newly built homes to be more energy efficient, according to a recent release by EnerQuality, the country’s leading certifier of energy efficient homes.
EnerQuality has organized an SB-12 curriculum to help get building professionals ready for the OBC changes. The curriculum has been developed and endorsed by the Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA), Ontario Building Officials’ Association, and leading building science consultants.
“EnerQuality is widely regarded as the #1 certifier of energy efficient homes in Canada. These sessions are part of our commitment to ensure Ontario home builders have the best training and information,” says Corey McBurney, President of EnerQuality. “Any EnerQuality-registered builder taking the course have future-proofed their business by ensuring they are compliant with the new Code changes and technical advances.”
During the fall, there was a very successful attendance rate with more than 400 building professionals from Toronto, London, Ottawa, Waterloo, Niagara, Orangeville, and Napanee taking the course. Due to the high demand for spots, EnerQuality will be offering more courses this month in Hamilton and Stratford.
“Each participating builder will come away with industry-leading knowledge on how to comply with the new high performance energy efficiency standard of the Ontario Building Code,” says McBurney. “This will mean better-built homes that benefit consumers for many years to come. The EnerQuality training sessions translate into new home buyers getting both a quality home and peace-of-mind with an independent, third-party verification of their homes’ performance.”
Ontario homebuyers have reached the point of not only understanding the need for energy efficiency but demanding it. We wouldn’t say the industry is beyond the point of selling the benefits of energy efficient technology, because some buyers need to hear why these features are included, but when it comes to saving money in the long run, people are up to speed.
It all comes down to comfort and saving money. If you have a more energy efficient home, like a Net Zero Energy home for example, then you will likely benefit from a more comfortable interior environment. And since new technologies require less energy and are more effective, your energy bills will be lower, so your carrying costs are more affordable.
There are already many builders in Ontario that are ahead of the curve, who have embraced an energy efficient philosophy. Reid’s Heritage Homes and Minto participated in the Net Zero Energy initiative, which aimed to prove that Net Zero Energy homes could be built affordably on a community scale.
Reid’s Heritage Homes unveiled Canada’s first single detached Net Zero Energy home more than a year ago, and Minto recently celebrated the completion of the country’s first multi-unit Net Zero Energy building. Reid’s Heritage Homes is also dedicated to building ENERGY STAR qualified homes.
Speaking of ENERGY STAR, EnerQuality will be visiting Owen Sound, Windsor, and Sudbury for the Green Streets ENERGY STAR Initiative, promoting the benefits of their ENERGY STAR for New Homes program.
The OBC will require builders and developers to build more energy efficient homes in Ontario starting in January 2017, so make sure someone from your staff attends one of the SB-12 training sessions!