Minto 30 Roe New Home Buyers Seminar
By Lucas on Nov 15, 2012
One of the most stressful events in someone’s life can be purchasing a home, especially if it’s the first time. Sorting through the confusing language and the negative headlines in the media about the market can be overwhelming – it’s pretty intense.
Enter Minto. Last night, a group of 60 soon-to-be home purchasers headed out to the Minto 30 Roe sales centre for the Minto 30 Roe New Home Buyers’ Seminar, and also to learn more about the industry as a whole. Ben Myers of Urbanation, Natasha Rubin-Coupland of TD Canada Trust, and Mark Stables of Benchmark all spoke, explaining the real estate industry from their point of view. “Pricing in the new condominium market is up 6 percent annually after the third quarter. We usually range between 7 and 9 percent per year in the last six to seven years. The big thing to notice is that we have not seen the big 15 percent decrease that some in the media were promoting. When you consider the market conditions, we are still seeing very healthy growth,” said Ben Myers, Executive Vice President at Urbanation.
“Minto is keeping up with the market and providing a product that is holding and increasing its value when compared to the annual increase that we normally see in the City of Toronto. It’s always nice to see a builder who has a long history of successful developments, both from a building standpoint but also from an annual value increase standpoint,” said Natasha Rubin-Coupland of TD Canada Trust, who spent some time talking about the financial commitments that you have to make and how TD Canada Trust can help you jump some of the hurdles involved in purchasing a new home.