Is a Loblaws in Kensington Market Really That Bad?
By Lucas on Jan 29, 2014
Well, it looks like Tribute Communities will in fact be bringing a Loblaws to the north end of the Kensington Market area in Toronto.
Toronto Life recently reported that Tribute “inked a deal” with Loblaws, giving the supermarket 20,000 square feet on the second floor of The College Condominiums at Spadina at 297 College Street (currently in preconstruction).
Ever since the development application was submitted in 2011 and locals became aware of the possibility of a chain supermarket, activists have been speaking out against it. The plan for a Loblaws was petitioned on change.org, and people protested in the streets throughout Kensington Market.
One of the main concerns of the locals is that the Loblaws will be unbeatable competition for the smaller independent grocers and shops in Kensington Market. The Toronto Life article stated that the activists fear that this would lead to a “hastening” of “the neighbourhood’s transformation into an expanse of trendy restaurants and clubs.”
The activists’ concern is fair, but if this many people living in and around Kensington Market really feel that strongly, then Loblaws won’t be that big of a threat. People who don’t want a Loblaws just need to stay loyal to their local shops, and Kensington will maintain its unique charm. Plus, the smaller grocers in Kensington will have product that Loblaws does not, and vice versa. People need to start looking at the positives.
And let’s be real for a second, Kensington is clearly already a hub of trendy restaurants. If you’ve never been to Wanda’s Pie in the Sky, Hibiscus, Nu Bagel, or King’s Cafe - or at least overheard someone talking about them - then you’re missing out.
We are confident that Kensington Market and its locals are strong enough to maintain the one-of-a-kind atmosphere, even with a chain supermarket nearby, and the new residents of The College will be able to take advantage of all the neighbourhood has to offer.