January: Super Tall Towers
By Lucas on Jan 02, 2014
First and foremost, Happy New Year to everyone! We want to start the year off by going big, so for all of January, we’ll be discussing super tall towers! Why does every major urban city want the tallest tower? What are the benefits of having massive skyscrapers? How is technology keeping up with the demand for taller and taller buildings? Is it keeping up at all?
We hope to answer all these questions and more throughout the month of January. We’re going to speak with architects, designers, developers, and others to get a full understanding of the super tall tower craze.
We’ll also be featuring some great designs from around the world. Whether they’re built, under construction, proposed, or unrealistic, futuristic concepts, it’s all fair game this month! There are some cities out there with some unbelieveable towers. Let’s not forget about Toronto though! There are some tall designs underway, and you can bet that we’ll be taking this opportunity to discuss the Mirvish+Gehry tower proposal, as well as Pinnacle 1 Yonge development.
As usual, we invite anyone involved in the homebuilding industry to participate in our Super Tall Towers theme. Be you a resident of a tall tower, an interior designer, an architect, developer, construction worker, or involved in any other way, we want to hear from you!
Contact lucas@homebuyers.com with your story/opinion/advice and you just might get featured on the homepage of our blog for the entire month!