Jack Winberg Talks Station K
By Lucas on Apr 24, 2013
One project that we have been following very closely for almost a year now is the one at the site of Station K. For those unaware, Station K is a 106 year old building that sits where Montgomery’s Tavern used to be, just north of Yonge and Eglinton. The building served as a post office, but was deemed surplus by the Crown Corporation, and sold off to the highest bidder.
That highest bidder happened to be The Rockport Group, who recently presented plans to develop a condo on the site. This week, Rockport CEO Jack Winberg talked to MyTownCrier and gave a quick glimpse into his vision for the site.
“We think our plan makes a very substantial contribution to the public realm,” Winberg stated. “At the moment there’s a lot of concrete pillars and planters that don’t really open the site up.... So we’re going to do that. We’re going to completely renovate the front of the building, try to bring it back to the original architectural flavour.” Winberg continued, “We’ll restore the limestone, and hopefully make it a retail space where people can continue to enjoy the forecourt, and also the inside of the building.” It’s always great to see developers incorporating historic buildings into new condo designs. It’s a way to pay tribute to Toronto’s past; even though the city isn’t that old yet - it will be someday, and projects like this will ensure that the city’s rich past is remembered.
Winberg continued, expressing his hopes on how the tower will be received by locals.
“We hope it will be seen as a very beautiful tower that will pick up the highlights of the limestone and the heritage aspects of the old post office...We can’t pretend it won’t have any impact on Yonge or on our neighbours, but we thought it would all fit together very well.”
The proposal signage for Rockport’s plan is now posted at the site of Station K. We are eagerly awaiting more details on the project. Since Rockport is working so closely with the locals to come up with something that pleases the majority, we’re excited to see what everyone agrees upon!
Stay tuned to the Toronto Star’s NewInHomes.com, we plan on having more on Rockport’s plans as information becomes available.