INFOGRAPHIC: Reach for the Sky 2
By Lucas on Jan 31, 2014
When it comes to building for the future, we’re advocates for smart, sustainable development. One proven way of saving space, creating density, and better incorporating green technologies into building processes is by building up. Way up. However, there has been increasing push-back against these methods and construction announcements due to public concern over obscured sight lines, inadequate infrastructure, and construction itself. These concerns are certainly valid, but we thought we’d use January’s infographic to outline the myriad of benefits to this way of building.
Many studies show that despite perceptions regarding cities and pollution, those living in high density urban centres produce far less carbon emissions and have a much lower environmental impact (even offsetting the construction and ongoing impact of skyscrapers).And while Torontonians may be accustomed to being the tallest city in Canada by far and one of the tallest in North America, consider this: The tallest residential building in Toronto, Aura, caps out at 279m (ground to absolute top). The vanity height (the distance between a skyscraper’s highest occupiable floor and its architectural top*) of Dubai’s Burj Khalifa alone is 244m. We’re certainly not suggesting Toronto increase the vanity height of structures going forward, but let’s look at the positives of truly reaching for the sky!