Hush Listens Closely, then Delivers Image

Hush Listens Closely, then Delivers

By on Jun 23, 2010

Naheel Suleman is rewriting the rules of the luxury home industry.  

The president of GTA homebuilding company HUSH isn't just building gorgeous million-dollar custom homes with distinctive green attributes, small community sizes and post-occupancy specialty services, though all of that is on offer.

No, Suleman is delivering a thoughtfully designed, lifestyle concept; namely, that the role of the builder does not end when the structure is completed. Likewise, the home buyers' involvement in the building process doesn't end with a visit to a sales centre and a deposit cheque.

As Suleman explains by phone from his Toronto office, HUSH's aim is to enhance the relationship between builder and buyer with a methodology that has been carefully crafted and won industry accolades, and bespoke service standards.  

"When we first started this company we asked ourselves what we could do to be different within the industry. We recognized a paradox: a home to a home builder is a product or a unit, whereas a home to a home buyer is their home -- a retreat for friends and family. We realized that in some cases these views are not aligned.  We are getting into alignment with our customers' vision and we're doing it by doing everything in a new best-in-class way. 

"HUSH doesn't build homes as its main focus; we build experiences. Our promise is a best-in-class experiences and the home is the vehicle to provide it."

Suleman continues:  "Take, for instance, Disney. They're not just about theme parks and cartoon characters and movies. They're about making kids happy and all those other things are simply vehicles towards that end. So we digested that and made that the main focus of what HUSH is about ? to be about the experience, not just about the product alone.

"We launched The HUSH Methodology? to ensure our home buyers are totally involved in the building process. We have built in processes to hand-hold when needed, educate and build experience.  We want our customers to have a best-in-class experience from the moment they walk into our model home to well after they move into their home. That experience should continue."

And how does HUSH foster that? Well, it's a long list, but highlights include opt-in move-in services, annual inspections and certification plus something called the HUSH Virtual Concierge? which chronicles the creation of the buyers' home from start to finish via web-based images.

Buyer lifestyles, family dynamics and more are taken into consideration to determine the best kind of home for the individual buyer and purchasers are purposefully guided through the design process.

Also key is HUSH's approach to green living. Using energy efficiency, health/indoor air quality, water conservation and resource management as category touchstones for construction, HUSH provides buyers with a choice of three industry-leading green templates for their home or the option to shop from an a comprehensive list of a la carte menu items. 

"Much of the focus of sustainability today is on energy efficiency and how much money it can save you.  That's important and a great benefit, but what's being missed is this: health and comfort." Suleman says. "A green home is a home built to a higher standard.  And that directly impacts your kids and family right now, today, by providing a healthier indoor environment and greater comfort overall.  This for HUSH is the benefit the impacts the life and health of those you love.

"That's HUSH's way of looking at green. We are quite different from where the industry stands today which means we are fulfilling our promise to provide best-in-class, no matter whether it's a home, services, experiences, or sustainable practices."

HUSH currently has multiple sites in Mississauga and Oakville at various stages of development with views to potentially expanding into Toronto proper. Suleman adds that the demographic skew of buyers so far is wide, encompassing all age and ethnic groups.

For now, the main thrust is getting the word out locally and beyond; the company's website is particularly user-friendly and does not require registration to browse.

"Everything that you see goes right back to our promise which is providing a best-in-class experience. You can build a beautiful home but if our buyer doesn't enjoy being in that home or have the delight and comfort of being in that home, then we haven't built your dream home.

"Our methodology -- through the constant hand-holding, through taking you to different trades to teaching you about what goes behind the walls -- ensures the end product is the best product and that our home buyers will feel delight and comfort in their home for years and years to come."

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