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How smart tech can improve your outdoor space

By Sumiko Wilson on Aug 17, 2017

While some see their backyard as an outdoor escape from it all, simple smart tech integrations can be used to further enjoy and ultimately get the most from your outdoor space.

Whether you’re entertaining, maintaining, or just kicking back, smart technology can make your outdoor experience easier and surprisingly, more immersive. Just imagine: instead of being glued to a device, the machine does all of the work for you, while you’re free to enjoy the outdoors uninterrupted. The concept may seem like sci-fi, but as more of our everyday household items become compatible with smart devices, this scenario becomes closer to a reality for more homeowners.

I have mixed feelings about the future of smart home technology but regardless, I can’t deny the power behind the movement. Progress can’t be stopped; no matter what, technology will advance.

You may as well have it right in your own backyard.

Before summer comes to a close, check out these backyard accessories that feature smart tech:

1) The Lynx Freestanding Smart Grill

The Lynx Freestanding Smart Grill Via

The Lynx is not your average barbecue. Beyond the state-of-the-art stainless steel exterior, the grill has progressive tech capabilities as well. Using wifi, the Smart Grill connects to iOS and Android devices, allowing you to control the grill without being chained to it.

Instead of hovering over the barbecue, hosts can socialize with guests while powering the grill and adjusting the strength of the flame to suit your taste, all from your phone. The grill can even send a push notification when it’s time to flip your meat. There is also a voice command feature but during a lively backyard barbecue this might cause commands to be misconstrued.

2) The Weber iGrill

The Weber iGrill Via

When you’re on the grill, taste isn’t the only thing on the line; undercooked meat can also be a major health risk. That’s why using a meat thermometer is always a smart idea. Using a smart meat thermometer is an even smarter idea. The Weber iGrill interacts with grillers and determines the safest temperature for your meat, while still taking your grilling preferences into consideration.

3) Husqvarna Automower

Husqvarna Automower Via

Few people actually look forward to mowing their lawn, especially if you have a big backyard. The Husqvarna Automower makes sweaty, laborious lawn mowing a thing of the past. Similar to how a Roomba can independently navigate through your home, the Automower can cover up to 1.25 acres of your lawn. Furthermore, the mower’s blades are essentially inaudible and the slicers can retract themselves upon contact to avoid any accidents.

4) Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller

Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller Via

The Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller is an intuitive in-ground sprinkler system that uses smart technology to analyze real-time weather conditions and water your lawn accordingly. No more overwatering and much more conscious, savvy gardening. Ranging from $199-$250, the Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller is an investment compared to a regular sprinkler but it will ultimately save you water and money.

The Smart Sprinkler also makes room for greater autonomy by offering a wide selection of watering schedules and allowing you to control it from anywhere in the world using an app. At home, the sprinklers can be powered by Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa as well.

We hope these smart products encourage you to take better care of your lawn and host more backyard get-togethers!

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