Home Buying Team
By on Dec 06, 2007
by Mark Salerno
Aside from you and your family, a lot of
people are involved in buying a home.
Some-like your lender and lawyer-areoften an essential part of the process. Without
them, buying a home would be nearly impossible.Regardless of who is on your home buying team,
it's up to you to make sure they look after yourinterests and meet your needs.
A good real estate representative can advise you
on current market conditions, what price offers are
realistic, and which conditions to add when makingan offer to purchase. Plus, they can save you time and trouble by showing
you only those homesor neighbourhoods
that suit yourrequirements and
budget. So whendiscussing your
needs with a realtor,be as specific as
possible about the kindof home you're looking
for-and your price range.
To help you finance the purchase of a home, you
will need a mortgage. An ever-increasing range of
mortgage types, terms, and rates are available, so besure to look at what's on offer from a variety of
lenders, including banks, trust companies, creditunions, pension funds, insurance companies, finance
companies, and mortgage brokers.
Hiring a lawyer is a good way to ensure that your
legal interests are protected. Your lawyer will review
any contracts you need to sign, especially the Offerto Purchase, to make sure that all documents say
exactly what you intend.
If you're buying a new home, are custom-building
your house, or are carrying out extensive
renovations, you may need to deal with a builder orcontractor. To ensure their quality and credibility,
ask for references, talk to previous customers abouttheir work, and visit other housing developments
they've worked on. You can also check with Tarion,Ontario's Home Warranty Corporation. Find out if
they are a member of the local home builders'association or ask for a provincial license number to
ensure your contractor is registered.
Before making an offer, you may also wish to have
an independent appraisal carried out or make your
offer conditional on completion of an appraisal. Bygiving you an unbiased assessment of the property's
physical and functional characteristics, an analysisof recent comparable sales, and an assessment of
current market conditions, an appraiser can helpprotect you from paying more than the market value
for a home.
Finally, hiring a home inspector can help you
better understand a home's true condition,habitability, and safety. Home inspectors perform a comprehensive visual inspection to assess the
condition of the house and all of its systems. Theywill also identify areas where repairs may be needed
or where there may have been problems in the past.
Remember that the key to finding the right
professional match is to shop around. A good way
to start is through local associations, the YellowPages, or simply by asking for referrals from satisfied
family or friends.
For more information or for a free copy of CMHC's
Homebuying Step By Step consumer guide and
workbook, please visit our website at www.cmhc.ca orcall our toll-free line at 1-800-668-2642.
Mark Salerno is district manager for the GTA at the
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. For over60 years, CMHC has been Canada's national housing
agency and a source of objective, reliable housingexpertise.