Highlights of the 2011 National Household Survey
By Lucas on Sep 13, 2013
Recently, the National Household Survey (NHS) released its third set of data about Canadian households. This release focused on “condominium dwellings in Canada.”
For the NHS, approximately 4.5 million households across Canada were surveyed. This represents roughly one third of the total number of homes in the country.
The NHS is quite detailed and thorough, so we’re going to share some highlights right here for you!
NHS condominium dwelling highlights
- 1,615,485 households lived in condos, with 1,153,580 owning, and 461,215 renting.
- The largest CMAs - Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal - had the highest amount of condo households. 53.5% of Canadian households in condos can be found in these three CMAs.
- In Toronto, the condo households are broken down into 67.4% high-rise, 7.9% low-rise, 19.9% row houses, and 4.9% other. Other meaning “single- and semi-detached houses, apartments or flats in a duplex, other single-attached houses and movable dwellings.” Source: Statistics Canada, National Household Survey, 2011.
- 45.5% of condo owners are non-family households (singles or multiple dwellers that are not formally recognized as a Census family). For owner-occupied dwellings other than condos, non-family households only account for 15.6%.
- 42.3% of condo owners are couple-family households (a common-law couple or married couple living with or without children). For owner-occupied dwellings other than condos, couple-family households account for 67%.
- Primary household maintainers (the person responsible for paying for everything): Only 19.8% of primary household maintainers were under 35 years of age. 26.1% of the primary household maintainers were 65 and older. Anyone between the ages of 35 and 64 were more likely to own a dwelling other than a condo.
- Average household (annual) income for a condo dweller was more than $33,000 lower than their counterparts in any other dwelling (Roughly $80,000 compared to $113,000).
To read the actual NHS release and get more details, click here!