Happy purchasers walk away with a free car at the preview of Bside at Minto Westside
By Lucas on Nov 25, 2015
In mid-October, Minto announced an unprecedented purchasing incentive at Bside at Minto Westside, the second phase of their highly anticipated Toronto condo development at Front and Bathurst.
Minto partnered with Nissan to give away a free Nissan LEAF to everyone who purchases a condo unit at Bside with a parking spot that has a charging station for an electric vehicle (limited supply). When was the last time you heard of a developer giving away a car with a parking spot, let alone an environmentally friendly one?
Last weekend, Minto previewed Bside to many eager homebuyers. There was an amazing turnout; this was the first look at the Bside units, and also the first opportunity to purchase a parking spot with an electric charging station.
“We’ve already had many buyers take advantage of our fantastic Nissan LEAF incentive,” says Amanda Wilson Watkins, Vice President, Marketing & Sales for Minto Group. “We’ve also had prospective buyers who already own an electric car interested in moving to Bside because we offer the electric car parking. People really see the value.”
The purchasers who already have an electric car and purchased a parking spot with an electric charging station had the option to receive a $25,000 credit on closing (preview incentive only). Clearly, Minto has gone the extra mile to appeal to environmentally savvy downtown dwellers.
When we first heard of Minto’s plan to give away a free electric car with a purchase, we were shocked by the value, but then we remembered that Minto is well known for their LEED certified developments. Over the last 10 years, Minto has certified nearly 3,000 condo units through the LEED program, and their MintoMidtown condo in Toronto is the continent’s largest condo development to receive LEED Gold certification.
“Our goal is to design for the future,” said Wells Baker, Director of Conservation and Sustainable Design at Minto, when the incentive was first announced. “Installing EV chargers at Bside gives residents who want a vehicle in the city the ability to make an affirmative environmental decision. That alone is a huge step forward, but we wanted to take that next step and actually incentivize a decision towards the more sustainable option.”
Needless to say, Minto made the right choice. Sustainability aside, when there is the potential for a free car involved, people pay attention. Plus, people who choose to drive downtown may be holding back on the decision to go electric because of the lack of charging capabilities, but Minto is solving that issue, too.
Visit Bside at Minto Westside
Thanks to this forward-thinking, innovative incentive, Bside is a huge hit, and there are still units available for you to purchase!
“Right now is a great time for registrants to discover Bside at Minto Westside as we have a phenomenal selection of gorgeous suite layouts available,” says Wilson Watkins. “We have introduced many new floor plans for Bside. Some of the layouts offer flex options for customizability so residents can inject even more of their own personal style into the space - we expect these units will sell really quickly.”
Bside will rise 20 storeys and feature 323 units in total, ranging from 501 to 950 square feet. Prices are starting in the low $200,000s. To stay updated on Bside, register at bsidecondos.com.
The Minto Westside presentation centre is located on the site at 25 Bathurst Street and is open Monday to Thursday from 12 pm to 7 pm, and weekends from 12 pm to 5 pm.