green cuisine
By on Jun 19, 2008
Now that the environment has become one of
the world's chief concerns, people are asking for kitchen
appliances that will help them reduce their energyuse, control pollution, and save water. Without, of
course, compromising style and performance. GEhas challenged its designers and engineers to
answer the needs of consumers for top-performing kitchenappliances that are kinder to the environment.
The 2007 line from GE delivers lower runningcosts, cleaner operation, great style, and higher
performance. Visit www.geappliances.caGE Estilo Top Freezer Refrigerator
"Estilo" is Spanish for style, and it's exactly
right for this out-of-the-ordinary 17 cu. ft.refrigerator from Mexico. Curved front
doors give it a unique look, and increaseinternal capacity. CleanSteel finish has
the look and endurance of stainless, butdoesn't pick up fingerprints, is easy to
wipe clean, and takes magnets.