How to Engage Homebuyers on Facebook
By Lucas on Nov 08, 2013
Facebook is the largest social media network with over 1.11 billion users in the world. Imagine how many potential homebuyers are on Facebook right now? New home builders can not only connect with existing clients but also reach potential buyers too. Once you have a Company Facebook Page, it can be challenging to find ways to engage your Facebook fans. Here are three ideas from New In Homes that can help you engage homebuyers to participate in the conversation.
Show your housing community in stages. Did you know that Larger images tend to get more likes, shares and comments on Facebook? In fact, a photo post on Facebook gets 53% more engagement than text alone. Use this to your advantage by posting images of your housing developments from start to finish. If you have new homes that are in Barrie, Burlington, Aurora, etc. posting photos of the homes and surrounding area can give homebuyers a good idea of how their property is coming along.
Ask your fans what they like/dislike in a home. One of the simplest and most effective ways to get your Facebook community to engage with you is to ask them questions. What style of home do they see themselves living in? What features of a home do they consider necessities? You’ll be surprised to discover just how much you can learn by asking a question.
Create a Facebook event for the opening. It’s always a celebration when you have new homes for sale. When it comes time to have the Grand Opening, why not invite your Facebook fans to the party? A Facebook event page allows your fans to R.S.V.P and get information regarding the event. Having your Facebook community at your Grand Opening is a great opportunity for them to talk with you in person about the new homes and meet potential neighbours.
Engaging with your Facebook community can be educational and fun. Try these ideas for yourself and see how you can strengthen your customer relationships and your brand as a builder.