Downey Trail – Building for the Future.
By Lucas on Oct 03, 2013
Downey Trail, by Guelph based developer Seaton Ridge Communities has created an oasis in the South End of Guelph. With its private enclave of condominium townhomes nestled in a well established neighbourhood; this development is truly a masterpiece.
In 2008, Seaton Ridge Communities purchased the 3-acre parcel of land at the corner of Downey Road and Teal Drive and worked closely with a neighbourhood committee to develop a site plan for 44 condominium townhomes and the preservation of the existing Farmhouse.
This development, from the onset, was designed to follow in line with the Ontario Places to Grow Act and Guelph’s Growth Management Plan which both promote increased density within the city limits and aim to reduce urban sprawl. Subsequently, a number of features within the Downey Trail community were tailored to this in addition to creating an environmentally sound location.
For instance, as a part of the zoning and site plan process, existing trees on the site were inventoried and assessed. While some trees were removed, many in either poor health or are non-native invasive species nearing the end of their natural life cycle, a number of healthy mature trees were preserved and protected on site. As well, thirty new boulevard trees are to be planted within the development, some of which are already installed on homes that are occupied.
Additionally, Downey Trail is an infill residential development which means that the land is being redeveloped at a higher density than its previous use as a single family residence. The placement of forty four units where there was one meets Provincial and City planning policies designed to reduce sprawl and uses the land and services wisely. As such, this is an environmental benefit to the entire community.
At Downey Trail, the use of Infiltration Galleries, Bio-swales and Permeable Pavers on portions of the road, driveways and patios intentionally direct stormwater back into the ground which is the preferred method as it helps maintain groundwater levels and reduces the flow of warm water to waterbodies. The use of this alternative method, different from a stormwater management pond, helps to reduce the water that comes off roofs, lawns, patios, driveways and roads that is often filled with items such as salt, sand, oil and fertilizer.
In the preparation for Downey Trail, it was imperative that the site was planned for people instead of cars. In an effort to promote walking, cycling and transit instead of driving a pedestrian access route to Teal Drive and the Hanlon Creek Park was designed. This access contains trails that connect to Guelph’s overall trail system. In addition to this, the development is located on a bus route and within walking distance of schools, parklands, shopping and services which will ultimately improve the quality of life for Downey Trail residents and reduce automobile use.
The Community Park area of this development has been completed and it is breathtaking! With the use of the foundation stones and timbers from the old barn once situated on the property, a large exterior table is now centered in this beautifully constructed common area. In addition to this, the preservation of the existing farmhouse is complete with its interior remodeling and exterior beautification. This Century home not only retains Guelph’s heritage, but is also environmentally sound.
Lastly, the homes within this community have been constructed to the highest of standards. Each home is Energy Star qualified, in that the home is approximately 25 percent more efficient than a standard home. The architecturally inspired exteriors feature a stunning collection of brick, horizontal siding, stone accents and modern gable detailing. With maximum use of space and lighting, the interior layouts have been thoughtfully planned to ensure open-concept functionality and ease of use.
In short, Downey Trail exhibits so much more than just beautiful homes and a stunning streetscape. Through the incorporation of environmental features that will reduce the impact on the natural environment to the dedication and commitment of adhering to the Places to Grow Act and Guelph’s Growth Management Plan, this community is truly second to none.