Daniels First Home: Discovering the Dream  Image

Daniels First Home: Discovering the Dream

By on Mar 30, 2011

Daniels is an immensely diverse homebuilder that has many layers to it. Over the coming weeks, the Toronto Star’s NewInHomes.com will be looking at those layers in depth, with our three part series on the Daniels Corporation. 

In part two of our three-part look at Daniels, we take a look at 'Daniels First Home'.  

Destination Drive Mississauga Erin Mills Daniels FirstHome

First time home ownership is always been a huge step for individuals, couples and families alike.  Now with the help of the Daniels Corporation, owning your first home just got a little bit easier. 

Daniels First Home is a revolutionary program that offers people an opportunity to own their own home.

Don Pugh, an Executive Vice President at Daniels and the mind behind the First Home explains, "As in most things, it kind of grew organically.  Ten years ago it was decided that it was important to construct purpose build rental buildings; there was a specific need for that.  We wanted to incorporate rental buildings into our portfolio.  From that, we learned how to build projects unencumbered.  There is a certain methodology to that.  Somewhere during that process we said we should sell one of these."

It started with a project called Heritage Hills, a town home development in Mississauga.

In 2004 Heritage Hills was launched, giving first time home buyers an opportunity to own homes through specifically designed financial programs. These programs helped to take the burden off of the deposit structures.

"We took a chance and decided to build it first, and see what happened.  We thought it would be great if we did not need a big marketing program.  We felt that by building first, we can show consumers what they are buying, and ease the concern about buying off of plan."  We go on sale with our first project and people are lining up the day before sales; people are enthusiastic.  So we took that show on the road and continually adapted it, from the plans, sales and end product, to speak specifically to the first time home buyers."

And with that, Daniels First Home was born. 

Now boasting past communities in Mississauga, Markham, Brampton and Etobicoke, First Home has taken on a life of its own. 

"There is lots of magic to First Home.   You can talk about how it’s built first and about how there is little risk.  Sometimes in the new home industry we get a bad rap for our delivery times.  (People wonder) what’s it really going to look like…will it look like that model?   First Home takes all that risk away. 

"Its almost like resale in the fact that you get to see where you’re moving in, but you get the benefit of new the warranties and the newest technologies, as well as the benefit of having a new home."

First Home is not only a great program for first time buyers.   Based on the feedback that Pugh and Daniels have heard from past purchasers, it also seems to provide a real community feel.

 "I think we are creating the best neighborhoods from a community standpoint.  The community is built before the papers are even signed.  They are emotionally involved even before they sign their names to the check.  They are camping out and meeting their neighbours right away.  They are sharing food and mingling with many different backgrounds and ages.  Kids are all playing together.  A year later when you come back to the community on a Saturday morning, you see the kids playing in the playground and the community functioning very well; that all came from the initial First Home event.  The bonds that we helped create there have put this community where it is today"

“Those bonds that are created in the line-ups are still evident today,” said Niall Haggart, Executive Vice President at Daniels.

"For me the interesting part of the First Home and the (sales office) lines, is that it’s amazing to see people flip about where they want to live, just because they made a strong connection with someone. They want to be that person’s immediate neighbour. It is that human side of it that is amazing."

Its also a rewarding experience for Pugh and his team at Daniels to meet future residences.

"We get to sit down and break bread. We have lunch with our clients, it is a phenomenal experience." Pugh continued. 

Even with the continued positive feedback, Daniels is always looking to move the program forward and improve its designs and offerings. 

"The world is always changing, so we need to make sure that we understand what is going on, helping to take away the biggest burden that new home owners’ face…the deposit. How do we help them? How do we get their foot in the door?"

Daniels also has diversified the types of homes and floorplans that they are offering with future First Home communities. 

"We only started off with a back to back style of home design – which was our first community – now we have 4-5 different product styles that could make up a First Home.  So when we look at a piece of land and have ‘First Home’ in mind, we always ask ourselves what is the best mix of product that we can put there?”

Sometimes it is a mix of three storeys, mid-rise and stacked townhomes. They are all options for us now.  And moving forward, ensuring that the spirit of the program is our goal, the focus remains on affordability. Giving people affordable home ownership. Our challenge is to ensure that we can capture those people.  Affordability will always be the key.”

Next on the First Home list are three exciting communities:  Daniels First Home Aurora, Destination Drive Phase Two and Daniels First Home Long Valley Road. 

All of these First Home projects are expected to carry on the legacy that Daniels has created with First Home.

As Pugh explained, “We go out of our way to make sure that we keep the flavor and feel of First Home alive."

Look forward to part three next week, where we take a look at Daniels involvement in Regent Park

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