Closet Space
By on Jul 29, 2008
Do you spend too much time trying to find items in your closet? Whether it is the kitchen, bedroom or garage, cluttered closets can be overwhelming. Often times, closet space is wasted and under-utilized, which leads to home clutter and frustration. Effectively organizing closet space can make sure items you use often are accessible and that related things are put in the same place.
Here are some tips for reducing home clutter and making the most of your closet space:
1. Make a plan
- Decide what your biggest organizational needs are by analyzing your closet space.
- Sort your items and consider how you want to store items.
- Allow adequate time for both the planning and installation.
- Look at magazines and books for inspiration and ideas.
2. Be realistic about your closet space
- Measure the overall length of each wall and use a planning grid to record all of your measurements.
- Decide whether you need space for hanging items, shelving items or both.
- Keep closet doors in mind and how much room they need to close.
3. Choose a storage system for your closet space
- Choose a system that is right for you ? options include wire shelving, melamine or plastic storage bins..
- Wire storage systems are easy to install and shelves provide good ventilation.
- Melamine can be combined with a wire system, has the look of furniture, is durable and is easy to install.
- Plastic storage systems come in multiple sizes, are portable, and protect from dust and moisture.
- Cedar closet liner works well with standard or custom racking.
4. Installing wire shelving
- Mark the location of the studs in the wall.
- Install a hang track along the top of the wall.
- Hang the shelf standards from the track.
- Install the brackets on the standards